How big do you need to be, dick wise to be in the clear in 2020? I'm 7x5.6 and I know the average is in the 5-5.5 range but I think it's bullshit. It surely has to be higher on the sexual market right? And where does dick size rank up with face height and frame?
To make it fitness related: I've been stuck at 1.5pl8 bench for months now, while my ohp is increasing steadily (well over 1pl8), should I just embrace the fact that my bench is shit and cope with accessory work and bw to maintain what little size I got now?
You’re fine. My dick is almost the exact same size as yours and I’ve gotten glowing reviews. Focus on cardio and technique and you’ll be fucking these thots to sleep.
have you tried varying bench routine? try a couple weeks of high volume or widen/narrow your grip a bit. don't focus so much on your benis and focus more on the whole and complete sexual experience for her. my stats: >frame 6/10 >face 7/10 >dick 6"x5" when diamond hard have fugged several sloots when my body has been anywhere from chubby to DYEL (still DYEL right now, maybe slightly above), and they always come back for more. 2 of them specifically said my foreplay game is stronk as fuck also, i hate this fucking bitch taytay
Bentley Davis
Because of my career, I know a shit load of women and hear them talking about this stuff all the time. Unless you’re really big or really small, you’re not going to disqualify or qualify yourself.
Adrian Powell
Muh dik I'd 7x5.75 and Im a white boy went to a mostly black high school where every girl told me that I had the biggest dick they've ever seen except one and she said that guys 8 in dick hurt too much for her to really enjoy it as much as she does mine.
Every girl I've fugged told me that it was good but they can cum with average sized guys on 6 inches too. It's more about your look and how well you can turn them on than your cock size. Fucking women is as much mental as it is physical. Don't believe the media propaganda about BBC and definitely don't believe locker room talk. All my black bros talked about their 8 in BBC but the girls told me the truth kek.
Luis Hill
>Unless you’re really big or really small, you’re not going to disqualify or qualify yourself. so you're saying average size pp has the largest "success rate" of being adequate for a woman?