
Old thread's almost dead. New /fph/.

Reminder: Don't date a morbidly obese girl. No, not even if she has a good personality and sucks dick like it's going out of style.

> t.dated a whale like the one in pic related

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I agree OP, i dated a fatty once on the grounds she'd workout with me and eat healthier. she would skip workouts because "she couldn't breathe right" and kept eating shit food.
Dumped her within the week and she called me shallow and a dick and said i never gave her a chance.

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How did that happen to you? Did you break into her house and didnt find a way out? I cant imagine that Things like These could fit into a doorframe.

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Why does Zig Forums hate fatties but worship fatties
They even made up a cute lil term for it "bloatlord"

/f h/

>> t.dated a whale like the one in pic related
What the fuck, why?

Grizzly is fit as fuck.

Attached: kyriako.jpg (1280x720, 107.73K)

>why yes, you do deserve that cheat day, go ahead

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he's been on a cut, almost looks """"""""normal"""""""" now
the bloatlord is no longer

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The FBI doxxed this fat bitch with her etsy shirt lmao.

become the gym

Attached: la-creatura.webm (640x360, 850.33K)

I have little respect for doctors, but man, I don't envy them either.


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>let's go to mcdonalds user!

Attached: pig.webm (640x360, 2.28M)

Who brings those saggy tits to a protest?


What the fuck...., what's the name of the program?

Bet the FBI found the fatty's review real helpful.

that guy looks like a human now.

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flying squirrel mode, reminder if you ever get that fat your body is forever ruined

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Not that guy, but I did too, and let me tell you, 20 and horny is a fucking nightmare, bro. My college memories consist of 90% of my total life regrets.

does he diamonds on his stethoscope???

>get rich from telling fatties to eat less
>bling stethoscope to diagnose more fatties
dr. now is based

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>Hetznecker, Blumenthal’s lawyer
Is this pottery?

Thank fuck my parents agreed to take me out of school when I stopped trying and started skipping it entirely to wander around in the woods instead. Went to Mexico after that when I was 14 and bagged a good looking 17 year old beaner girl on the dining room table of the hotel I was staying at. Parents walked in unawares with groceries, and I chased them out with my boner pointing at them.

That's as low as I went.

>lying on Zig Forums
Why do people do this?

Imagine having such a boring life that you think mine is a lie.

>going to Mexico as a teen and fucking a girl
His story checks out.
>t. Chicano

Son, get all the head you can from a fat bitch and use her generally high credit score for a new ride and a PS5.

The only thing these land-whales are good for is abuse and degrading sexual acts.

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Bloatlords are actually fucking strong. Fatties on the other hand are just weak blobs of shit