Why are so many people so ignorant when it comes to fitness? Women especially. Look at this shit, almost 7 mil views for this video and “exercises” she recommends. It’s just a warm up, not really exercises. And I would say those “exercises” are not even hard enough for warm up and people think they will build muscles by doing them. Why can’t people understand you need RESISTANCE to build muscles?
Gullible normies
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You're a normie if you're only realizing this now
people are fucking idiots and she is only slightly less stupid so she chooses to earn money on the fact that she can lie to retards
but they don't want muscles, they want to tone a bit.
People will believe what they want to believe, and she's just cashing in on it. Snake oil salesmen aren't new, user
I'm p. sure she genuinely believes it works.
It's in the title. Nothing required, fast results. Been around forever and always will be, only way for it to not bother you is teach your kids not to fall for low effort bait.
you're one gullible fella
they are all bugmen, they all lie and don't give a fuck about it
ride the tiger i guess?
so when are we going to hang the norminiggers
thanks I will
i used to call it the "oprah fog" or something like that. where women are so mind-fucked that they won't listen to you telling them a straight-forward thing because magazines, tv, facebook etc. told them a million stupid things and none of them really back up what you told them.
you don't have the same authority to them that oprah does.
(i guess today it would be ellen.)
the only way i see to get around it is you get the facts put into schools because school has even more authority than ellen.
or you know you could simply keep them in cages and release them once a year for breeding season like the forefathers intended
i favour that leash on a rail thing like in breaking bad, remember that?
that way they can get to the toilet, shower and kitchen.
They know god damn well this isn't gonna work. Every so often one of them has to bite the bullet and try it to keep up their anecdotal evidence stores for their case titled "it's all genetics, excercise won't make me look like that".
Because there's way too fucking many people in the industry repeating the same shit. It's not about people being gullible like most people here say. It's because money-hungry assholes try to sell their shitty channels, products, etc.
Everyone in the fitness industry is shutting the fuck up because they want to make money. If they told the truth and said that the way to make it is to put in hard effort, eat food you make YOURSELF, and to sleep a lot, AND that as a result, you wouldn't get to look like them because you would have to use roids, nobody would buy their products. This way, everyone is saying that you can achieve the same shit with a low amount of effort and people tag along
Let's be honest here, most people here use whey powder, it's the same thing. You're gullible enough to think that you're unable to reach the necessary amount of protein without that stuff
>Let's be honest here, most people here use whey powder, it's the same thing. You're gullible enough to think that you're unable to reach the necessary amount of protein without that stuff
It's just an easy amd cost effective protein source. That's not a fitness gimmick, it's groceries.
You only need it if you're seriously into fitness. If you're not on roids and don't need tons of protein, you can reach your macros pretty easily. If you're not hitting your calories, and thus protein, with regular food, you're doing it wrong anyway
>Let's be honest here, most people here use whey powder, it's the same thing. You're gullible enough to think that you're unable to reach the necessary amount of protein without that stuff
Whey powder is a cheap, mostly tasty and substantial protein source. There is no scam there, it's exactly what it is.
Yeah, it's oversold and heinously marketed, but that goes for all food.
>There is no scam there, it's exactly what it is.
Why not just eat regular food then? As I said, you are able to hit your calories and protein with regular food. Using whey literally shows that you are too lazy to be more efficient because you are looking for a faster way to get where you want to be. Not exactly the same as those fitness youtubers but you should get the issue here. Also, as noted, almost every single fitness product is marketed hard, meaning that it's not even necessary
>Why not just eat regular food then? As I said, you are able to hit your calories and protein with regular food.
Not really. Processing food is how we got so unnaturally strong and smart in the. first place. Protein powder is processed food taken to it's logical conclusion. Don't revert our progress. Use it.
>as (Me) noted, almost every single fitness product is marketed hard, meaning that it's not even necessary
I said food, not fitness products. My point was that it's just a food.
Sorry, I still don't see your point and I do think you are wrong about this. There are certainly fitness products with highly questionable effects if any, but whey isn't one of them. To me this isn't about laziness at all. It's mostly about price. I don't claim there is some magic happening when I'm drinking this stuff, no, I expect it to be exactly what it claims it is. A cheap protein source that doesn't contain lots of other things I don't want.
Stupid bitches will always be stupid. It's not like people who watch Opra are of average IQ.
reminded me of this shit
Culture of instant gratification.
???? What she does looks like exercise for people who had a terrible accident and are trying to recover
Do people really fall for this?
> checked
Yeah dude people fall for this and plenty of other dumb shit fitness and nutrition advice. Similar to financial illiteracy, there's a huge issue of health illiteracy in this country. You need only look around at all the morbidly obese people, all of whom would have been circus sideshow acts for "The Biggest Man/Woman on Earth!" 100 years ago.
> PE class is a joke after 6th grade
> competitive sports discouraged during recess
> new fad diet every 3-5 years
> meme "move more" exercise programs shoved down people's throats
> fake nattys (including women) on Instagram giving dogshit advice to make EZ money
and the list goes on and on. Most people don't know what a healthy meal is or what exercising actually looks like. Kennedy tried to set us straight with the La Sierra High School fitness regime, but the retarded boomer hippies in the 60s killed that.
All the PTs in my gym aren’t any better, I see them pushing meme circus exercises to their clients all the time.
>yeah bro just squat on the bosu ball to activate your inner chest
It’s like there’s an incentive for them to keep things unnecessarily complicated... really made me think...
Because they present an easy way out of being fat and looking good, even though it doesn't work. It satisfies everything people look for, a sense of accomplishment, without actually showing results. It lets people blame genetics and body types rather than praising hard work.
99% of views are from lonely guys fapping to her and the rest is from ignorant women.