Who are the biggest Chad's in history? Also post your favorite lift. Pic unrelated

Who are the biggest Chad's in history? Also post your favorite lift. Pic unrelated

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My vote goes for Teddy Roosevelt. I like deadlifts

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genghis khan

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Literally the most successful human being, evolutionarily speaking

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Julius Caesar, no one else even comes close

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Definitely up there. A man of integrity, too.

stwike him centhurion, vewy woughly!
and throw him to the floor again, sir?
yes, yes.


Hektor, of course

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Obvious meme pick, anything else is nerd coping.

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It's sad that he'll be erased from western US history within the next six months.

The master of the strategic retreat

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more sad about Jefferson being memory holed desu
guy was the (autistic) soul of the US revolution

What about Alexander the Great?

>having your empire collapse at the moment of your death
Alexander was almost, but not quite kino
also Caesar dealt with several mutinies by just talking to the guys, guy was probably one of the top three orators that Rome ever produced

Khalid Ibn Waleed - only military leader who fought more than 200 undefeated battles and considered to be one of the finest military leader in history.

there is only one valid answer and all of you know it

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Choose one

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Hard mode since everyone can only name people from hundreds of years ago - who would be the biggest chads of the past 50 years? Is there anyone who has achieved great feats comparable to some of those mentioned in the the thread thus far?

Probs Trump or Arnie in terms of success tbqhf


I'd say Bill Gates

>cofounded probably the most influential software company in the world, Windows still makes up vast majority of all PC OS
>was world's richest person for nearly 2 decades
>currently donates more money than anyone else for charity, plans to donate even more for the future

>either a crypto kike born into wealth or a roidmonkey born with top genetics

>Killed by the Chad Achillies

However all the states it collapsed into still worshipped him and their rulers would derive their right to rule from their real or made up connection to him through their ancestors. Also he spread Hellenism throughout Persia and the ruling elite in those lands as well as Egypt would remain Greek until the Parthians/Romans came along. Meanwhile the Rome Ceasars built also fell into multiple civil wars after his death, it just so happened that the party that won had the strongest interest in maintaining a continuity from him so it now seems like he "build" the empire when really it was Augustus and Agrippa and the only thing Caesar contributed was his name that allowed Octavian to become a big player in the first place. Then Octavian killed the best men in Rome (or allowed them to be purged by Anthony) like Cicero for money and to strengthen his position. As a result Rome lost most of it's virtues and scheming women came to dominate its politics, the worst of which was his wife Livia who killed almost all potential great future leaders Rome could've had. The Empire may have been bigger and stronger but what makes Rome such a great civilization peaked during the Republic. Caesar conquered Gaul which was pretty incredible but everything he did after that deserves no commendation.
Unfortunately I think the age of great men may be over

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>age of great men is over
I believe it is just beginning friend.

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something something cucks and joos

As someone who loves history, I always see Alexander vs Caesar, and I'm on side Caesar. Alexander was a great warrior-leader, and was basically an action-adventurer who was charistmatic, and very daring. Caesar, however, just had a hell of a jucier story. He was a great politician and populist, as well as an amazing leader. He basically brought a (rather corrupt) democracy to its knees to the point of being assasinated. His whole "I'm gonna build a fucking bridge across the rhine", crossing the rubicon and literally being the reason for a civil war in rome, politically and popularity wise turning a republic into a dictatorship- it's all too good of a story. Alexander swept the world at the time, but I think (just from having the records) I see a lot more in Julius Caesar.
Napoleon would be my other choice. What a goddamn crazy sonofabitch. The french revolution/napoleonic wars era is also one of the coolest fucking times in history.

>bill gates

Were you by any chance bullied in high school?

Achilles was a crybaby nigger who was handed everything by the gods.

“The King of the Mountain” Jeff Jarrett

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I'll agree with Arnie when it comes to personal terms. Start lifting, win the world several times over, become a major sex icon. Come to American becoming one of the biggest icons in movie history. Successfully invest in enough shit to be rich. Rise to the highest office he can, and win the election. I don't agree with everything he's done at all, but goddamn did he just go for it and win at life.
Gates did everything right to be a rich nerd who won at life, again, and just gives no fucks.
Lyndon B Johnson is barely outside the 50 year window, but if you want to know a modern legend, my god his story is insane. Everyone will always remember his failed Vietnam/big dick stories, but his entire rise to the white house and first years were the last real democratic golden age (and I mean real democrats, not SJW types). The Path to Power/Years of Lyndon B Johnson are modern masterpieces that really outline just how good he was.

No major wars means no opportunity to prove yourself. It would have to go to someone culturally influential. Unironically Trump would be a good pick especially if we see other politicians following his campaign strategies down the road.