>You shouldnt do a full body workout every day, your muscles need at least 4-5 days rest
Is this true?
You shouldnt do a full body workout every day, your muscles need at least 4-5 days rest
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full body is retarded anyways.
Why don't you try it and see how YOU feel and progress
Read the sticky
Thot: patrolled
Based bb phant bro
This is a great way to just waste time
t. been there
Fuck your spam thread and post more elephants.
Depends on how demanding the training is
I don't like full body because the level of intensity I like doesn't allow me to train more than 3-4 times a week with that setup.
This user is right.
The vast majority of people in the gym have no risk of overtraining.
I usually do a full body and am sore in all the places I hit. Takes a few days to not be sore. You can't really hit new records if your muscles haven't fully rebuilt themselves.
My tactic is work an area if it isn't sore.
Why do white women love getting fucked by animals.
Protein synthesis for natties lasts 24-48 hours.
You only need a day or two of rest. For smaller muscle groups you can opt to train every single day (calves, abs, etc).
The only issue with full body routines is that it's quite mentally taxing. Doing a compound push, a compound pull, and a compound leg movement all in the same workout is a lot on the CNS. With proper warmups you will be an hour into your workout when you finish the compounds, which leaves little time for any isolation.
Push / Pull with 2x per week frequency is a good trade off. You can do 2 compound movement per workout (instead of 3) and get some isolation movement in at the end of the workout.
Alpha as fuck
Hebrew brainwashing
Asian girl straight creaming herself for the BWC
Yeah and my gym has cut down to 45 minutes per session per person due to the Shanghai Shivers, and i feel like doing three different major compound exercises (with warmup) takes up way too much time.
How do you guys cut back your workouts now? I can still go four times a week tho
If I were limited to 45 minutes I would just try to get a set of dumbbells so I could do isolation work at home. I would only do exercises that i don't have the equipment for at the gym.
And I'd also split up the workout to more days. So instead of Push / Pull (where squats are on push, and deads are on pull), I'd do Push / Pull / Legs. Same amount of volume done on more days for shorter workouts.
I do push/pull 5-6 days a week. Am I retarded? I just like training.
This is why this site sucks now
Generally speaking, most muscles need 24-48 hours of rest. Larger muscles might need more.
So dont do one muscle once a week.
He nearly got that rear naked choke
No it's not
The whole point is you dont have to train more than 3-4 times per week, because you get a good bit of volume everywhere every day.
Yeah obviously, but is training the same muscle 3 times per week too much?
From my experience, I think this is largely true. I used to focus on full-body workouts several times throughout the week but never really made any significant gains. After a while I stopped working out but did intensive construction work two/three days out of the week while not doing any working out as such and got surprisingly jacked.
It depends on what you're after though. Full-body workouts daily aren't bad if you want to lose weight but can prove very counterproductive if you want to build muscle. Can't build muscle effectively if you're not having rest days. Also, spacing your workouts throughout the week to focus on one/two parts of the body as opposed to thinning your workout across your entire body helps.
Because we tell the truth you can't refute without relying on censorship? ok lad
Three times a week is probably too much, depending on how intensive your training is. Two times a week is optimal.
No, it's because you're morons with deep rooted masculinity and ego issues that get in the way of logical thinking.
Not an argument. Try again
>possible jew
>crypto jew
How are you suppose to argue against the kind of shit you dumbasses spew? Go do some actual legitimate research and you'll see the shit you spew about Jews exists in every color, religion, and sect of human populations. Some dumbasses back when all this shit started with cherrypicked data and observations to conveniently support the dumbass conclusions you support. Whether it was done as a troll or in seriousness, it attracted more and more idiots to this site like yourself. At least go fuck off to Zig Forums you neckbeard
So if i train 6 days a week I’m better with an a/b/c type routine instead of a a/b type? E.g PPL instead of PP
>the shit you spew about Jews exists in every color, religion, and sect of human populations
I give you facts you give me emotions