hello, this is my first post here!! i will give background to my situation : i am a female under 20, and i am homeless with my family at a relatives house. my family is abusive so i am stuck with my 4 year old brother at all times. we dont have food other than cheap, crappy american food, and my relative does not want us to touch hers at all. i am not allowed to go anywhere ever unless it is around the block.
i am 250, 5'3, and have a binge eating disorder. i want to be 120 in the fastest time possible, but i do not know what to do at the moment. i cannot eat healthy because the food is not available, starving myself just makes me maintain, and i have no way to go to a gym, especially during covid. i have been walking with my brother outside but its not doing much.
Unironically leave the weight loss for after you get your shit in order and get the fuck out of that situation. It'll have positive knock-on effects for your mental health and it'll give you enough control over your environment to make weight loss much easier.
Dylan Rogers
how about you read the stickie you fat piece of shit
start with the basics like running and squats/pushups first, then eat less and learn portion control and fasting, also try to improve your home environment
Robert Foster
Adam Smith
Aaron Morgan
doesnt matter to you lol this isnt even relatively close :/
Levi Peterson
>water consumption greater than 3l >eat more vinegar, 2 tablespoons a day will make you less hungry >use less salt >stop drinking sugary beverages
Julian Moore
Just cause you cant fit in the mirror doesnt mean the 250 pounds of pure lard arent there.
Literally just eat less food lmao it doesn’t matter if it’s healthy or not just eat less. Eating less makes you maintain? Eat even less it’s that simple.
Christopher Brooks
body visualizer
Levi Hall
Lincoln Torres
Thank you King.
Gabriel Sanchez
I'm 225 at 6'2 and I'm still fat so you must look like a bacon wrapped sausage
Andrew Murphy
go for at least an hour walk each day while in a calorie deficit so that you are losing about 1% of your weight per week. Food depends on budget and whether you have access to an oven and/or stove.
Samuel Parker
If you're in an abusive household, I would bite the bullet and have CPS come over. They're pretty shit, and they drag their feet a lot on these kinda issues, but getting you and your brother outta that environment is the biggest step.
If you have any other relatives who might be willing to take over custody for a few years while your parents sort their shit out, even better.
As for your weight loss, you're at a level of fat where you would lose weight no matter what, if you just ate the recommended calorie intake. I think for women that's like 1800 kcal, but I would just cut off 500 calories from your daily diet if you can't handle that. The weight will drop VERY fast, until you get kinda skinnyfat and it plateaus, then you just gotta do basic exercise to get the rest of the weight down. Good luck user lol.
t.former fatty who was raised by an abusive meth addict
This guy took the bait lmao. 2020s been a hell of a year.
Asher Williams
Also I'm aware that your parents might not let you eat less. Mine used to beat me if I wasted food, which culminated into an eating disorder later on. If that is the case, once again I recommend calling CPS as the first and biggest step you can take to guarantee the future of yourself and your family. It might be hard, and it's really really shit. But it is easily better than living in an abusive household
Henry Gray
Eh, it doesn't really hurt me much even if it's bait, and I have a personal connection to this kinda thing my dude, so it wouldn't sit right with me to ignore it, even knowing it was a shitpost. Ya feel.
Nathan Reed
When will they learn...
Tyler Kelly
>anime fag
Kill yourself.
Oliver Young
my mothers currently off crack but i dunno how for how long, and i can relate to all youre saying. thank you for actually thinking of my feelings and not just insulting me.