This is literally me

This is literally me

How to change it

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shut up

>start lifting and dieting
>get a job or go back to school
>get a hobby
>Try to socialize somehow

I hate people that hate themselves for no reason. I am a bad person and I can factually prove it with evidence

Pick a random thing, anything. Do it.

>not even a high school diploma
>can’t drive in 20’s
yeah kill yourself brole

you asked for it m8, is it fear of failure or fear of being judged for participating which keeps you neet? Imagine being scared of someone who breathes the same air, speaking of air go on a walk your blood oxygen levels are probably shit and vitamin d doesn't hurt either

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prove it

>wahh I'm just like le lazy wojak man how do I fix
Here's a blackpill for you that you probably don't realize about yourself: you don't actually want any of these things.
If you, I mean if you REALLY'd find a way to make it happen.

You're obviously on a lifting board so that's a start. You've obviously read articles and enough forums to know the gist of most fitness guides for normies. You're obviously self-aware to know that you're a self-loathing man of inaction in his 20s. Look mate, the 20s are the first period of time where humans actually experience responsibility and freedom and shit the bed. Read, lift and gain some fucking balls. Go for a walk, read some Aldous Huxley, or whatever. Do things that give you anxiety and overcome them. You're young and have enough time to get your shit together. Quit being a fucking vagina.