Who is this faggot?
Who is this faggot?
fuck off
a faithful woke king
No really, why the fuck I saw his face 3 times today?
This site is owned by gook moot now the Asians are taking over
Zyzz before he had plastic surgery and got on a cycle.
An Asian Chad that fucked over 100 white girls that mogs 99% of Zig Forums is 6'3 with an 8x6
Idk but he's really handsome is he a model?
>haha omg hes so cute, lol haha xd
forced meme isn't funny
Probably get mistaken for one everytime he steps out
Jealous weak fucking jawline hook nosed incel shut the fuck up
Go back, you ugly cucks, if I were as ugly as you and thank God I’m not I’d probably join your gay little group shitposting sessions.
Dios mios....that horrible jawline and elephant ear
This nigga
Why'd they go through the effort of photoshopping him to be ugly and then fixing it?
Is that why your forced meme has a shopped nose? You have to be over 18 to post here
Do a reverse image search, he’s a ugly faggot from looksmax and everyone in the thread is a genetic mistake.
Post face with timestamp.
He's really that hot sorry incel sit on your hand and it'll feel like a girls jerking you off
Massive cope, dont be jealous because youre not as good looking as OP pic
damn bro you got the whole board laughing
an insecure faggot
I have bad lighting rn but here's me living it up at the beach. Back on the shore? A couple 9s. No you post face (but you won't ugly muscle fatty with recessed maxilla and 5head ;) probably negative conthol tilt too hahaha
My little sister walked by and saw his picture and literally said "Damn finest asian I ever seen"
he was really feeling himself
did you fuck her aterwards?
If that actually is you which I know it’s not then no wonder you cry about your life, face and virginity all day long, I know you only come here to have your little revenge fantasies but we have this thing her called reverse image search.
this is a famous person, nice larp user
Nope. Tell that to my Grammys bitch lol incel cuck
LOL jacob collier
do better hahahaha
The man himself
That is a pretty good looking asian chad is he a model or something?
Your cries for attention are sad and not even the most horny, std ridden gay man would touch you, maybe try talking to a therapist.
A bunch of ugly fagots from looksmax raid the board daily and spam one of the “pretty boy” twinks they’re all gay for, when you find out how ugly they are you understand why they’re so miserable.
Find a therapist psycho
Did it make you feel better to do your little detective work and write out that poem about gay men?