/cbt/ current body thread

Cutting edition

177lb goal is 170lb

Need more chest and lower abs

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Clean your mirror you subhuman

Post mirror

5'9" 185

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6'1 78kg
leddit PPL

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Nice frame, bulk and lift hard for a year and you’ll be a beast


Making pretty good progress right now. Hoping to be 165 by the end of the summer and have clear abs.

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oh nonononononono

177 cm, 79 kg

Tryna cut down to 75 kg and hope i am a bit more defined at that stage

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6’5” Lank Lord
Average penile girth

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6’1 198. Just ordered some RAD-140 to cut

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I need to work on arms, currently hitting triceps on push days, biceps on pull days (2 days a week each). Should I isolate biceps and triceps adding 2 more days to my routine (pull/push/arms/push/pull/arms/rest)?

mirin all of you

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Thanks bro. Mirin your vascularity

Your bulge would look much better with fresh briefs. Those look too saggy. However, I need a picture from the backside to confirm the issue 100%

Here you go, fellow faggot

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Thank you; this confirms my diagnosis. Those briefs are too baggy and stretched out. I demand that they be removed and discarded.

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Thank you. Imgur link how you look now.

everything looks good except abs really

not even that lanky look strong

solid all around

5'9 143 lbs

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This is my goal physique, I wouldn't even cut it.

6'2 217lbs
what can I do to improve? body looks like shit

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I honestly think you’d look better w more BF

loose weight and pick heavy things up

Appreciate it brah.
Your arms and delts are cut to fucking shreds mirin

Wide shoulders nice
Big traps
Sick waist

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Chest looks great, your pecs are close in the middle so you don't have the big gap that most guys have

Nice pubes

thanks brah it's been hard to work chest during quarantine, can't wait to bench again
thanks bby

6"1, 85 kg i think

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