post 'em fags
Other urls found in this thread:
>why yes I do take cheat days, how can you tell?
>we need a war
is the jewish hat really just an excuse to cover the bald spot
You know, for some reason this picture has never bothered me; his happiness is so sincere; it's the very thing we all strive for, fat or not
>three different Fat People Hate threads in one day
I struggle to think of a clever joke about fat packed treats, yet it should practically write itself.
Regardless, today was a good day.
My hatred for the fatties knows no bounds
please tell me this isn't how actually fat people look in USA and is just something like 1 in 100000 case
Only one thread isnt big enough to contain them
Good Evening, I hate fat women
check out my wife's boyfriend's watch
>he doesn't know about the South
user, I...
When a third of your face width is neck fat, you know it's bad.
Adolf Titler
health at every size anons!
>when 1 mirror isn't enough to reflect your girth
Looks like a majority of the people on Zig Forums
>bought this today, don't hit on me silly 4channers
I read that once upon a time, a mukbang was a type of niche content where it was basically a virtual lunch with the viewer and the intended audience was people who are socially withdrawn or anxious.
Then it somehow devolved into people recording themselves binge eating and now you have subhuman slugs like this
For those of you who haven't seen this "person", keep in mind it used to be a vegan twink
Okay Zig Forums, which one of you was trolling leddit earlier?
It looks like you put it on your foot
I'm sure you could have come up with a funnier and less obvious joke if you'd just tried a bit.
Apply yourself, son.
Imagine being gay and fat. If he was black, he'd be the most hated person on Earth
post more burgerpunk
>Jesse, we need to cook
nice check out mine user
wristlet b gone
in motion
/r/ing for Based Julius
His knuckles look like they've been sanded off
>fat ugly gays
They probably kick you out of buildings for that.
>For me, it's gravity well
based fatty
For you fat bros trying to change, this doesn't have to be you. You can do it. It may be hard, but it's the simplest thing in the world to just eat less.
>house cow
Absolutely laffin
Someone needs to find out where fatties hang out on the internet. I'm getting sick of seeing the same images every day that i come here to hate on fat people.
Personal fave of mine
this is penguin cosplay from batman, and penguin is canonically greasy and fat so this really isn't that bad when you think about it
fuck off
This guy's hand reminds me of Lego's. Even South Park characters have more discernible knuckles.
this thread must be eternal as a warning to any current or future fatties
It’s so the drones can identify which ones are god’s Chosen people and which ones are hellfire rocket targets aka Palestinian children.
Though ABSOLUTE UNIT works well for A
Every time i hit 225 lbs i feel like a fat piece of shit and i stop eating. I don't get how people can get beyond like 25% bf