When was the last time you touched a woman's skin other than in their arms/hands?

When was the last time you touched a woman's skin other than in their arms/hands?

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if you go out with a bitch and dont ever grope their thighs on the first date then ur a beta, deal with it
at the very least put a hand on her knee
stablishing physical contact is primordial in building a relationship

shut up

I'm 26 and have never held hands with a girl. I wouldn't even know how to go about it. I've just accepted I'm better off alone.

Are you ugly or just autistic?

I lost my virginity to a hooker yesterday
So yesterday

>im 27 yo and I've never kissed a girl

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Worth it?

I go on a lot of first dates and have made out with a fair number of women, but they never respond to me afterward. Finally got my first second date in forever and now she's quit responding to me, too.

Last year November

I was really social and good at school but ended up dropping out half way through high school due to mental health issues and became extremely hermitized as a neet. Finished up my classes online but then spent 6 years doing nothing and speaking to no one but my parents. 2 years ago I got my wagecuck job I just got laid off from 4 months ago because I "wasn't a good fit" despite working extremely hard for minimum wage. In reality I'm just awkward now from my years of isolation and have nothing to say so I didn't fit in. I'm not really ugly but not particularly attractive either. My best attribute is that I'm in good shape, just broke 8 reps bench at 2.5 plate.

But I dunno, I don't really have anything to offer a girl worth having. Men are suppose to be providers and I've failed in that. I've mostly accepted it although sometimes I see a young family and wish it was me.


2014 at a rave, which basically doesn’t count because everybody is grabbing ass and tits, so really December 2012

i kissed some ugly chick a day before i went into quarentine for the coronavirus
so 3 months ago now

My wifes on a camping trip for her girlfriends birthday in the interior of my province.

Been like four days, feels bad mane.

Even worse she was on her period until the day she left, didn't get to lay some rod for a few days before hand so i'm dying rn bros feel with me

i have not touched a girl before

aww babe

>just broke 8 reps bench at 2.5 plate
This is all that matters

now that i think about it almost 2 years since i got laid goddayum

isn't this fitness board? answer's yesterday btw

Stay strong bro

I hope you don’t get cucked by a bear

sex increases T levels, and fitness is dependent on that hormone, so this is legal discussion here

Touching a woman's leg like this and giving it a little squeeze is the best thing ever. It feels so different to my big muscly quads, it feels so soft, so smooth, you can almost feel the estrogen that made her

Them fucking digits dont lie

Imagine going more than a few days without touching a girl, h-ha-ha, am I right bros?

Have any clue what you do wrong?

Never, I hate women.

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Ha-ha yes it would be really weird not touching a girl for months on end, wouldn't it? H-haha that would be so weird..

When my mom was breastfeeding me 21 years ago

Holy shit man.
You are still young, you still can learn how to provide and get your family afterwards. On the meantime try to start learning social skills.

Mirin bench