I was given a heavy bag for various reasons, and figured I would use it to add variety to routines...

I was given a heavy bag for various reasons, and figured I would use it to add variety to routines, however I have no idea where to start.

I know I can fuck my hands up if I just go all out on it, so I want hand wraps, that's a given.

however, are gloves important?
what I mean is if im wrapping my hands is that enough protection, or do I need more?

if so, for exercise, am I able to just go wraps and some open finger gloves, or do I need something like boxing gloves for th weight?

im at a bit of a loss as to what I need, and don't want to spend a lot till I know i'm sticking with it so minimum viable. anyone able to help?

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Get gloves and wraps.
Once you feel comfortable and can gauge your punch strenght, you can take the gloves off w/o injuring yourself.

so glove weight doesn't matter, its just protection?

>was given a heavy bag for various reasons

Globe weight matters because the heavy bag is harder than somebodies face. You'll want 16oz gloves really.

friends moved cross country and dumped their home gym (its raining to hard to go to the gym) stuff on be because it was shit tier for the most part and they couldn't sell it for a worthwhile price, this was all pre covid.

I don't think they were using the heavy bag as it was something they used when they were still with their parents.

trained boxer ---

you can get bag gloves, which are just light leather protection for your hands and totally fine.You don't need 16 oz gloves, those are mainly for sparring and building up power due to the weight and resistance. The heavy bag is not meant to be hit at 100% power for all shots. That is just hollywood bullshit. Try five minute rounds on it and concentrate on your feet being under your shoulders and keeping your hands up etc. Hit the thing at like 30% for most shots.

Check out youtube and practice like 3 combinations on it. Uppercuts could fuck up your wrists, but you should be fine with everything else unless yo hit the bag wrong when it is swinging toward you.

More or less shadow boxed/barely hit it without gloves, worked up a sweat, its the reason I think this will be very effective.

do you have any links for the gloves you mentioned so I know what i'm looking for, amazon kind of just gives me full boxing gloves for recommends when I searched bag gloves.

yea, i'm not completely retarded, though I know quite a few people who need to learn by it happening to them.

but this brings up an interesting question, if i'm just doing this for variety, is there a benefit from doing different punches like an uppercut or is it just needless risk of injury?

like I said, i'm not doing this to be a prise fighter of any skill level.

You'll work different muscles, but that's about it, if you're not looking to improve your boxing skills you can just do the same thing over and over

like these

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so not full weight/full padding, just enough padding, just going by looks here... if i'm right, got it thanks, if not, tell me why i'm wrong please.

Yeah that's basically it, some support and light padding to protect the knuckles.

ok, got it, one more, full glove doesn't matter either and just does it have some knuckle protection?

just asking because it would be nice to be able to lift my water without needing to remove glove during the rest periods.

no, it doesn't mean you can get mma gloves for just knuckle protection. it's still gotta be a boxing glove for entire hand protection. I guess thumbless is okay if you can't find one with a thumb on.

Buy these if you want some beginner shit to use up and throw away in a few years.

Buy these if you want real leather gloves that'll last you pretty much forever.

I'm going to go the cheaper one just because I don't want to spend decent chunks of money on something I'm not 100% will be stuck with, if I'm still at it in 3-4 months, then I can consider a long time investment solution

but that ring side one, it has an elastic to secure the base of the glove, I thought part of the reason for the velcro around the wrist strap was extra support, does that matter for the bag when you aren't hitting 100% or is that more for when you are going full force?

Tranny discord dox operation do not click

I have fairtax gloves that they don't sell anymore I bought maybe 7 years ago or longer. They have elastic band at the bottom and mine fits like socks with padding on it. But I can't really speak for the RingSide's fit since I've never owned one. Elastic bands would suck on boxing gloves 12 oz and up, but for these the elastic bands work well and keeping your gloves secure while hammering on the bag.

Just make sure you know if your hands are smaller than average or a little bigger than average. Mine are just slightly bigger than average and I use large size. But then again it's made in Thailand where people are a bit smaller in general. Twins also is made in Thailand but Ringside isn't.

yea, going to have to look around a bit and see fit sizes for gloves, I know part of the reason for hand wraps is filling gloves out better so they are made with leeway in mind, but an asian country large may be mine medium... kind of like shoe size where one company's 10.5 is another's 13

I know what im looking for now at least, thanks.

Start without gloves and absolutely go ham and brutalize your hands, you probably won't be able to punch for a week after but then your hands will be tough as nails, then you deserve some mma gloves, don't use boxing gloves that's gay.

I like hybrid gloves a lot, but the cheapo ones aren't really good and most of then will straight up say not to use them with heavy bags. Combat sports has a nice pair of 7oz hybrid gloves with a lot of knuckle padding for $50. Hayabusa ones are overpriced at $90 but the wrist support/material is much better.
A cheap 3 pack of meister hand wraps is a good start. Better to have a few to rotate over the week. Ideally one for each day, chuck em in a lingerie bag with your normal wash routine... but you can build up to that if you care enough.

The real thing you haven't thought of yet is how you are going to hang the monster. If it's 100lbs you don't want to casually throw it onto a single joist with an eye lag unless you don't give a single fuck about your ceiling bowing/breaking. If your joists are only 2x4's then you 100% do not want to do that, but 2x6 is pretty standard; just make sure to check. I took a 2x6x8 across 4 joists with 2x 3/8 4" lag bolts and lock washers in each. Total cost was only like $25 for that setup. A spring is like $10-15 and a mount is gonna run another $20ish. $5 for 2 quick links as well. Chains are cheap by the foot if you still need one ontop of all that.

Good luck and have fun. It's great cardio and a practical workout if nothing else.

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yea that was the first challenge, but thankfully because I use chain to hang shit around the outside of the house (I have a few natural spots for a hook, but I wanted more spots in between to hang some planters) I have some lengths along with... what are open chain links with screw in bits called... fuck it, I had enough chain and shit to get it hung at a decent height on an I-beam in the basement.

Its not perfect, but it should be more then good enough.

Your knuckles with toughen up. Just punch it with your bare hands, NOT FULL STRENGTH, and keep your fist lined up with your forearm. Don't do anything weird, and be careful of your angle when the bag is swinging around.

get a job at Fedex or something where they have the big conveyor belts running all the time. When you have a minute, push your knuckles against the conveyor belt as it runs, this will helps toughen skin on your fists. Knuckles too.

Good shit. Definatly still consider a spring for for the indoors then. Too cheap to ignore how well they transfer all that energy.
Since you asked earlier, you don't want to uppercut the bag or do anything that could cause your hand to slide across the surface. Throwing hooks without being used to your footwork distance can cause that to happen too. Uppercutting air between some bag hits is worth working into your routine tho.

wraps are enough for work on punching skill, if you actually want to work out punching you'll fuck up your hands if you dont use gloves. you can get leather mitts off the internet
pic related
those keep your hands from getting fucked up
wearing gloves builds your muscle when you punch (16 ounces on your hands) so look for those everlast is fine

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I would if I could, but there just isn't enough height in the basement for me to add a spring and still be in a good position for punching.

could put it in the garage, but 2 relatively big cars... there's no way that's happening.

any bag recommendations?

You’re fucking retarded

For a prefilled 100lb bag shipped to your door.
$100 Everlast if you can even find them anymore
$200 Meister
$280 Revgear. Mushroom Bag option too.
$360 Outslayer
You get what you pay for.

I personally bought an Outslayer unfilled for $90 and stuffed it with $30 worth of generic rubber mulch nuggets... but that's not everyone's cup of tea.

Get some wraps, and get some 12oz gloves. If you do mma, it is good to get some 40z mma gloves also to get used to wearing them, as they don't force a fist as much. And then just hit the bag. There are tons of resources on youtube to show you how to throw a technically correct punch. You can also watch training footage of proffessional fighters and imitate their movements. Don't overthink it in the beginning, have fun user.