This man needs to be cancelled
This man needs to be cancelled
I would slaughter that cow with a rusty pair of safety scissors after raising it from birth to get a good medium rare steak seasoned with only salt.
Holy fuck she bacame hot. Sauce?
Lol based blahino assblasting vegans
Kys vegan fag
What's remarkable about this? Most cows become roasties eventually.
Is that supposed to be for or against veganism?
Cause that steak looking tasty af. I agree unironically with the statement, that's a beautiful transformation.
are people seriously still obsessed with this guy after all these years? jesus christ
What do women think of that sort of dad bad physique that Blaha has? Saw a JB with a guy like that the other day, had to respect that
>I can't kill an animal for food, because I feel bad about it
>Therefore, because I feel bad, I declare it to be unethical for everyone to kill any animal!
>I shall never eat meat again
>Something that would have been considered a major deficiency just a hundred years ago, I will now use to feel morally superior to everyone else!
I don't like this attitude
And a new meme is born.
A1 post
>not rare
>no pepper
you disgust me, subhuman filth
Kek xD
Bitch juicy as fuck
based blahino jajajahaha
Credit where credit is due.
wtf i love blaha now
Ketchup or BBQ?
I know what other boards you browse...
I was part of this meme
Only retards like pepper. Salt enhances the foods flavor; pepper changes it.