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Fitness #561
What's the point in getting fit when I'm 5'8?
How to prevent deflation of boobs?
What do you think about when you lift?
This man needs to be cancelled
Yeah sex is cool but am I alone in saying I really want a gf who I can kiss sensually with?
Ask away
Calisthenics is a pathway to DYEL
Can swinging a sword big build muscle?
There's an added layer of attractiveness that athletes have that gym goers simply don't...
Tell us what's bothering you user, we're all ears
Who is this guy and where can I find more memes with him on them
Behold, the Father of the Bulk!
Ideal male height
What's a realization that you've had since getting Zig Forums...
How many hours do you sleep Zig Forums?
How much do I have to lift to achieve hot black girlfriend mode?
Is it really worth it?
Brag thread
Just hop on fin bro!
Has Zig Forums taken the Spirulinapill?
Honestly, the food pyramid isn't that bad and you only hate it because of muh carbs...
90% of the people that look good just do a >bro split
ITT we laugh at roiders
You are only allowed to post in this thread if the reason you started lifting was because of anime...
Cycling beginner program
I'm turning 25 tomorrow Zig Forums
How do I avoid hitting the wall at 30 and becoming a karen
Is it true that bulking and cutting are a meme and that I'll should just eat at TDEE and lift...
What martial arts does one train to gain his strength and speed? Would you be able to defend yourself against him?
Do I use male or female in a BMR calculator if i'm trans?
Sleeping during summer
John Jones squats 225 with EASE
Did I do well?
Is golfing considered Zig Forums or kinda gay?
gf went out and got drunk last night with friends
This is why I lift. Why do you lift?
What the fuck do you fucking cunts eat to get protein? I am so fucking sick and fucking tired of chicken...
/fat/ fridge raider edition
Limb lenghtening surgery
/CBT/ Current Body Thread
Why should I bother lifting if I already have a hot gf?
You do sleep naked, right Zig Forums?
What do you eat for breakfast?
Rate my routine lmao
/FPH/ Tinder Edition
Growing Old Is Shit
OK Zig Forums what the fuck am I doing wrong...
What is the most Zig Forums melee weapon, and why is it a longsword?
Which one of you autists was this?
How does one truly get the best nutrition for the lowest price?
Zig Forums manga and anime
Is marijuana detrimental to your health, or is that just momscience?
Uhhh is this true, are we really that dumb?
How am I supposed to drink 3 liters of water every day while keeping a normal life...
Why didn’t you workout today
Boy am I glad I spent my Saturday nights at the gym and on Zig Forums
So, I got fit but Tinder banned me. What are some other good dating apps?
Favorites Zig Forums edition
Are you fit enough to be a legionary soldier?
Baby's First /Fraud/ thread
Could lifting have saved them?
Anyone got married here? How does marriage affect your gains, will your wife whine about you lifting too much?
Best way to whiten teeth?
Are u a shower or a grower?
/plg/ Powerlifting General
Tfw you find yourself instinctively driving towards the gym even though its closed
Scooby is rich and better than you
If you play video games you're wasting your fucking life. The best gamers are the largest losers in real life...
“Fat people were considered attractive in the past”
Are women better than men at anything?
How can I tell the difference between a trap, female, and a roided woman...
What's the point of trying to better yourself when mediocrity is so acceptable?
Bros I just started watching jojos...
Describe how you feel during your workouts in 1 word
Is this peak natty potential?
Whitey is putting 1,25kg plates on his deadlift again
Can u reach ottermode with calisthenics?
Rebranding anorexia to make it sound alpha
Goal body thread, go
Making it
Is this objectivly the best sauce to put on meals?
Stuff that annoys me at the gym:
How fit do you have to be for it to be socially acceptable in your country to walk down the street shirtless?
Why do you fucking 5'7 midgets all claim to be 5'11 or 6'0
MOGGED THREAD Dr Disrespect edition
Do you eat the brown part of a banana?
The Beacons of Mirin Tirith! The Beacons are lit! Gymdor calls for aid
Which one is better for conserving calories, white claws or vodka?
Who here /excavatum/?
Pic unrelated
Went to the gym instead of hanging out with my gf
How do i lower my test levels before a blood test so i can get prescribed trt?
Are ab rollers any good?
Post your dream body 2D or 3D
Be me at a bar
Why does the average western male not care about fitness anymore? Can they be saved?
What separates a bluepilled Zig Forumsizen from a redpilled Zig Forumsizen
I love Nofap
March 16
What kind of women does Zig Forums attract? Post your stats too
Thin as hell but still baby-faced
Hobbies besides lifting? I'm bored inside all day and I don't enjoy vidya anymore
Why does being fit make you a right wing conservative?
This will be my diet for the rest of summer. What could go wrong?
Girls compliment me on my physique and intelligence
Penis Health General - Jelq Edition
If I only care for aesthetics,is there any reason to do FLAT bench press instead of INCLINE?
This was Connor Murphy less than 3 months ago
How do I achieve Abby mode?
Pregnant womens diet
Gym archetypes
Is running 3 times a week too much or just enough? I don't wanna get knee damage bros
Whats the point of lifting if you aren’t a med, the group of men that women desire most and feel most atttacted to ??
I'm like 30lbs overweight, I am 6'6" though
Job interview tomorrow. Any tips, Zig Forums?
Zig Forums got BTFO by a fucking Fortnite streamer lmao
ITT: phrases that motivate you
Milk haa fucking sugar in it
Be me
He eats grains
I just fucked a hooker and holy fuck my testosterone levels feel like they are through the roof. Yeah...
How you guys eat this nasty shit?
The Virgin Chad
Why are girls so fucking obsessed with this part of the face?
Is there ever a point you stop feeling dyel?
Play rugby
Being a lanklet is much worse than being a thicc manlet. Prove me wrong
Lil jojo vs. Chief Keef
Friday night - why are you here?
Just made a tinder account, so here are my questions:
DMAA comedown???? Took pic related for first time...
What the FUCK does 1/2/3/4 mean tell me RIGHT NOW
Why don’t you take the chonk pill
Is it acceptable for a guy to hire a female fitness coach?
Ask a nutritionist anything
/fph/ - "not my fault" edition
At a party right now
/ohp/ general
Be me
Does being fit make you more alpha?
ITT : High Nutrious/SuperFood Aliments
"Yes sir the spreadsheet is on the way
Are there any benefits to exercising naked?
/EG/ endocrine general
My deadlift is stuck in the upper 300’s. Any tips to get it up further? I’ve tried straps
Jump rope
High T games
Zig Forums mire thread—summer edition
Wholesome general
I hate being sexualized for my body Zig Forums
Need a facemask in the store to buy a pair of running shoes
Did getting Zig Forums improve other areas of your life?
Is this true?
Who's your most hated fitness guru? what specifically made you hate them? what do they do that makes you the angriest?
Does breeding increase your testosterone?
Current Body Thread - cbt
I lift for this
What is the ideal fitness level to attract top tier sluts?
Ideal Female Body Thread
"a healthy mind in a healthy body"???
Do you have more attention from grills being fit?
What does it feel/smell like bros?
Whatever happened to /husbandomode/?
If the incidence of gyno as a side effect of finasteride/dutasteride were much higher (than is reported normally) - but...
Down 18.8 lbs in 13 days
Just a daily reminder that you should NEVER lift for a bitch!
How to like normies
How the fuck do you defend this??
I lift for german girls
Have you accepted the fact that size does not equal strength yet?
What's the dicklet cutoff length (in cm)?
The pack just landed boys
Tinder is such a fucking waste of time
For anyone whose gym has opened up, I recommend getting one of these. Makes the workout that much more comfortable
What is Zig Forumss preferred method of cooking/preparing sweet potatoes?
I drive 80 minutes one way to get to the gym. What about you?
Calories in, calories out
TIL bear soii is a mode
Which track and field event produces the hotter girls? Also, how do I land one?
Serious question, could I get away with being a nazi in public if i looked like this?
Premature ejaculation. How fast is considered fast?
What age did you start lifting at? Do you regret not starting sooner?
Tfw wanna celebrate for 70 kg bench and close to 75 kg (my own bodyweight)
New calvin Klein model, "identifies" as black trans gay man woman lesbian
You go to the gym, user? You don't look like it
Is your gym for everyone Zig Forums?
Is NoFap real?
Fit Stats
Is smoking weed good for gains?
Ny bros where are you? This fuck is saying that gyms won't be reopening in phase 4? When the fuck is this going to end?
Wasted potential
I just gathered the courage to run outside during the day instead of night for the first time!
Are women good for you?
LOCKDOWN 2 is coming
How fit do I have to be to beat an elephant?
Literally the best fruit
Rank these diets as if you were a doc
Zig Forums can I get a bf% estimate? How long until I am instagram fitness model mode? 6’2” 200lbs rn
Why is fit against the use of sunscreen?
What fictional or real characters come to your mind when you are on your last rep and really need that boost
Tfw just spent 2 hours in my thoughts thinking about what I'm gonna do if another man tries to fight me
/Connor Murphy/ fasting day 13
How do i increase my chinups? i cant do linear progression on em
*sits down next to you*
ITT Lifting music
Girls don't care about stre-
Do you guys do anything else beside lifting?
Is it worth lifting if I'm already really good looking? I don't wanna waste my time...
What is this bodytype called bros?
Where did we go wrong? Will Zig Forums people be shamed in the future?
Weird things that motivate you to work out
Hey Zig Forums
What do you think of this body
A man under 200 pounds...isn’t actually a ‘man’, at all
Carnivore Diet
You may not like it, or agree, but this is the ideal male body. This is peak performance
Anyone here lose weight and get SHREDDED by SNAKE WALKING™
Mike Israetel Hate Thread
I feel paralyzed
Caught my Big booty neighbor taning today, how do i approach her ?
Is the Klinefelter physique fixable?
Can't lift away the brown eyes
He thinks he could take a gorilla in a fight
Transformation thread
Chimps have the most dense and protubering musculature in the animal kingdom this lad got on his DNA all the rage angst...
Fuckin lmao
Daily reminder to not just focusing on chasing women
/PLG/ - Powerlifting General
I'm summoning you again king
Are energy drinks and protein shakes a scam?
I'm going to kill myself tomorrow
Lifts to avoid this?
I noticed a pair of these in my left side a day ago and the only thing i could think about to justify it is that ive...
This is what happens when you don't know how to fight
/MAG/ Diamonds Are Forever edition
Is yoga based or cringe? I’m not trying to ogle whores, I do it for my health. I feel good after doing yoga
Getting a hair system as an alternative to being fit
How do I avoid aging like this?
What's more impressive to you?
Greg doucette, scum of the fitness industry
How am I doing so far Zig Forums?
Since I started lifting seriously and gaining mass, my biggest life fantasy is to get a black wife and impegrate her...
How often do you go to the hairdresser?
Are there actual gay men on this board (not just regular Zig Forums users)? If so, why do you lift? For guys...
What inspired you to lift?
UK thread
Pushup Thread
Be me
ITT retarded shit you do while lifting
Caught my Big booty neighbor taning today, how do i approach her ?
Celebration of Bros
Who mogs?
Red pill me on bread
Sensitive penis?
Do people still eat cottages cheese for build muscle? Goddamn it's so fucking gross...
Wow user, you have such strong legs! How much can you squat?
How do I achieve post nut clarity permanently?
Hit a pl8 bench today bros.. we're all gonna make it
King of moggin here
How do we solve the (American) fat problem?
How do I live longer?
Brain gains
Why lift for women when all they care about is the face?
Is this impressive for 18
Take the lard pill
Why aren't you eating the bugs?
How do you plan on aging gracefully?
Gym opens
ITT: people who should lift
Have you ever approached a woman at the gym?
Are pic related shoulder gains achievable natty?
Do you also lift for him?
Shoulder circumference thread
If everyone on fit got into a fight, who would win?
Have you ever been caught browsing /fit in public? How did you explain it?
Kyriakos Grizzly/bloat general
Is lifting everyday on a different muscle a good strategy? This month I got my biceps from 9 3/16 to 9 ½...
Daily Reminder
Can i have longer eyelashes naturally or its all genetics ?
How achievable is the body on the left?
He doesnt wear a mask to the gym
Full body 3 times a week
People who look good at the gym
Is this the natty limit?
Anyone else lift to get a kpop girl fiend?
Pick one and only one
This dude has more strength than the vast majority of "ripped" bodybuilders
This is how we would look like if we stood in the trees and didnt give a shit about anything else...
This is your regular reminder to not use the smith machine for anything
How do you train to avoid something like this happening to you
Should i really go /noshampoo/ if I have bad dandruff?
Running General
100g banans contains 1,1g protein
How do I get my gf into tomboy mode? I think she has a decent frame for it already
Post workout gym music
I may be your hardest case yet Zig Forums
Fph thread
High volume vs low volume
This is the end goal for me
I cant stop shitting
How the FUCK am I supposed to compete with this girl??
If you're attracted to muscular women you are a closet fag
Is this the official coffee of /fit?
Oldcel thread
So this is the power of... calisthenics
What would you do in case of a pit bull attack? I would jump in water. Pits can't swim
Bros.....How can I avoid this as a Father?
The gym wendigo
Alchohol thread
He eats meat
/fat/ Kevin Nash edition
How does mcgregor NOT get mogged?
Why are women on pace to outnumber men in terms of alcoholism?
These 2 are sisters
Soccer Player Physique
Is asexuality linked to health?
How the FUCK am I supposed to compete with this guy??
Old but Gold
Brown hair
Would you fug a Nilotic Sudanese?
Post ways you're blessed genetically and ways you're cursed
Peak natural aesthetics
Femcel here, why do guys always say they hate fake boobs, but girls with fake boobs always get the most attention?
At uni
This dude was so kino back in the day. What went wrong? Why is he such a tryhard now?
Is mixed grip deadlift really so bad?
Older i get
Are these worth getting? I've never had one, never used pull-ups in my routine...
Generally speaking for a 5'11 guy how much calories would I have to intake to lose weight and gain muscle?
/Gainz Goblin General/
No woman has ever approached me, flirted with me, messaged me first, smiled or looked at me suggestively...
How do i get stronger without gaining weight?
I may as well be disabled
Who do you lift for, Zig Forums?
What does Zig Forums have to say about this ?
Why everyone is homosexual in here ? Really makes you think
Zig Forums Recipies
We didnt envolve to have muscle
/PLG/ - Powerlifting General
Died at the age of 22
New(ish) to lifting, just got my deadlift to 200lbs so im thinking about getting a belt...
Ask away
Here's your gf. This is why you lift
What is the pinnacle and epitome of Female Sex appeal for you ?
Hey user, your calves could use some work
Spend $40/month on gym dues
What if he started lifting weights?
What was that "one thing" you did to improve your posture? What was your main weakness causing your poor posture?
What do you do when your family does not support your fitness journey...
Fuck whoever made the previous thread about this...
Just lift bro
What is Zig Forums‘s favorite fast food?
I heard from some guy that if you jerk off and have a strong grip that it will make sex feel less pleasurable because a...
Meanwhile, in Zig Forums's house
Gyms are gonna start closing again in America
Don't mind me, just posting the best Fleshlight
Is he permanently brain damaged now or will he go back to normal with enough time...
What supplements does Zig Forums take?
How did your ex(‘s) react to you getting fit?
How did your GF react to you getting Zig Forums?
This is the guy telling you that self-improvment is cope
How do I begin working out
How often do you go out, lads?
/sig/ Self Improvement General Sticky
ITT: Good albums for the gym
/fph/ - Fat People Love - Anatomy Edition
Fuck nofap
I got kicked out of my gym and no nearby gyms will accept me :(
How Zig Forums were you at 16?
GNC is closing 248 stores after filing for bankruptcy
NY gyms will not re-open in phase 4
Do any of you guys get laughed at for being fit?
You do have sex appeal, right user...
Does alcohol cause weight gain?
Is this acheivable natty?
Doomed to lift for the eternity
Brah, how the fuck do ya'll take psyllium husk fiber...
Am i missing anything?
How many eggs is too much?
Post your test level
Remember what they took from you
You may not like but this is peak female form
Quick reminder for the NoFap retards
/cut/ general
Summoning this guy
Have you ever considered joining an Alt-Right group or engaging into violent action?
Reverse progress thread? Reverse progress thread
Age old question
Childbearing hips
Is this accurate?
It's over, gonna rope soon. When will you faggots finally realise that everything is down to genetics...
Why do women dress like such whores at the gym?
2d GIrls boost test and increase gains
My girl is giving me mad shit because my (female) boss sent me some pictures of her vacation/beach trip that included...
Did Wiz Khalifa achieve this natty?
Hair fitness
Start NOW edition
Change my mind: fasting just makes you lose glycogen, water weight and muscle...
6 months
I'm actually really happy he's doing this because I think he'll survive, and then he'll get fat...
This is why i lift
/fit with their "everybody is fat" mind
You now realise that Zig Forums is full of Zig Forumstards and niggers giving each others advice
Oh nonono
Is a mustache Zig Forums?
Really makes you think
Sexual health
Pron. Is it bad?
Zig Forums what has EC stack done for you?
Why do I tend to store too much fat in my mid portion. How to get rid of it
You need to get strong to get big "as a natty"
How did ancient quarrymen get this ripped without roids?
Is calisthenics a meme for natties?
How do I get a girlfriend like that?
Now it's a well known meme that people who are big and ripped are definitely into roids but
He doesn't drink at least 4 gallons of water a day
Be fit
General motivation thread
Is this body easy to achieve? How long would it take?
I-is it bad if I use metal utensils on my non stick pan?
Unblocked her on instagram again
At this point i cant feel anything but pity for people who still think that this guy isnt bottom tier of the fitness...
No shampoo
Proven, effective exercise routines
Bujrum, Zig Forums
This is what people who tell you to "stop lifting because it's all about the face" look like...
Is it actually possible to train your eyes until you don't need glasses or did I get memed?
Mental health services called Connor
Create tinder to talk to people
/mag/ - Martial Arts General: Single Strike Edition
Hand Thread
You work out your penis, right user?
Post your kryptonite
Anyone experience shin splints when they squat?
Go to doctor
Went full auschwitz mode and cut from 85 to 70 kg in one month
What's like being Top 5% IQ and Top 5% looks
How do you speed up tendon healing?
Not gay but recently met a cute trap at the gym. When ls the best time to use her hole for max gains
/plg/ Powerlifting General
Aesthetics or Strength
How the fuck do you guys afford food
At the gym
Nofap recovery
Maximum Muscular Potential
Breakfast Bulk
No protein in the house besides egg whites
Ctrl + f
Zig Forums humor / humour
Is he the only fitness influencer who didn’t cuck to the BLM crowd?
Is it true face is more important than body?
Any other hardgainers here? i just cant get stronger no matter how much i eat or train
How important are fats? I can barely get in more than 15g a day, even though my protein intake is on point
Approved Zig Forums literature
Rip BTFOs hip thrust fags
Does any level of female fitness compare to being blessed with giant jugs?
Is cheese actually bad for you on a cut? i can't stop eating grilled cheese, it's just too good bros
Any other old fucks still come to this board?
What workout to look like these Chads?
How much weight do I have to lose to get a boyfriend like this?
How can I condition myself?
Tfw only White people in my gym
How tall you reckon these lads are
Witness the beta female body
No Boners
Everyones girlfriends here are either non existant or getting fat, but I have the opposite problem bros...
Zig Forums why don't you just leave neet life and become a nurse?
High test thread
Chad General
Is being a security guard a Zig Forums-approved job?
Are tomboys real?
I just missed my leg day today , feels bad man
/fph/ - Guntermensch Edition
As an older punk rocker/metalhead, how can I avoid ending up like the top row of dudes...
Wow, user! You such strong calves! Are you a triathlete?
How do I achieve this
I haven't slept in 3 days
Go to bed
What's more impressive:
/fit meetup circa 2012
How do you overcome the fear of a physical confrontation?
Zig Forums /lit/
Eat meal
Why lift when you can become a cute femboy? I'm seriously asking. Why would I want to be an ugly muscly manbeast?
Be in the final stages of opioid withdrawal
Most Aesthetic Physiques Thread
High Testosterone /fit TV show
Just end me
How do Asians mange to stay so young and healthy looking?
Is meeting people at the gym a meme?
If you're a white male working in an office, are between ages 21-35 and you are visibly muscular...
Realistically how much would a woman have to eat and lift to achieve this?
Who do you lift for?
ITT: Lifting Albums
Betas live longer
For a man to be "attractive", he has to:
What are your fav meal prep dishes?
How does one maintain a braphog physique without turning into a hamplanet?
Remembering that qt girl in the 8th and 9th grade that was really flirty with me
I'm 186cm and 78.6kg. today i did the body fat measurements with the proper equipment and it says i have 8.5% bodyfat...
Wim Hof Method
Would it get my forearms huge?
White guy with curly hair
Question for swimchan
What is your current fitness goal?
How do you go out in social situations and refuse drinks?
Exercises to target stomach fat?
Zig Forums Albums
What are your hobbies aside from lifting Zig Forums?
Lifts for boxing
Why lift for women when attraction is all about the face?
Did Drake achieve this natty?
David Goggins : based or cringe ?
Friendly reminder that taking finasteride is more important to your looks than going to the gym
/PLG/ - Powerlifting General
This wide hipped body would be mocked on Zig Forums
Post yfw you get a second wind
Tfw you can’t surpass your rival no matter how hard you try
Is there any health benefits to drinking beer?
Rate their bodies
Dumb girl help
Any routine to look like a Grand Wizard of KKK?
Are cos players Zig Forums?
I just bought a blender dudes. Post your favorite shakes!
What type of body does she have?
Does anyone else find ironic that women lust after big jaws
3 teenage mistakes that guarantee financial ruin
Genetics Mogging
Is it true men who disregard females will become fat, lazy, and loose motivation to be fit?
>Be me>5'4 baby faced FtM
I CANNOT believe there are actually people on this board who avoid cardio because "cardio kills gains."
Why even lift if you arent Med/Atlandid ?
Test Boosting
Be an addict
Balkanfag committing genocide in the gym again
Friendly Reminder
Has anybody taken the del Hagen pill?
/FMG/ Fixing Girlfriend General
Is protein powder good for teenagers?
Rate her body
The TRUTH about Deadlift
What kind of twink mode am I and how to improve it?
How come Boris Johnson is allowing pubs to reopen but not gyms (apparently they are "close indoor spaces" but pubs...
How can one man be so based?
5'7 literally sounds like perfect height I'm not joking
Shave bodyhair to show of gains or not?
/health check/
Lost lots of gains during the lockdown
Are full body workouts the best way to train as a natural lifter
I thought this board was about fitness-stuff, diet and general self-improvement...
Protein shake cutting diet
Social status and money > face, height and muscles
Tfw even ugly people hit the wall
White penis
Does demonrolling really works
How do you find motivation to work out? I think about it every day but I never do it. I need help bros
Running General
Can't lift away the brown eyes
Post things no amount of lifting will cure
No girl has ever approached me, flirted with me, looked or smiled at me suggestively, messaged me first...
Why lift when it’s all about dick size??
Is a ballsack ass achievable natty?
Everyone lifts for women, be honest with yourself. Some people want to be stronger and feel better too and that's valid...
Is it acceptable?
Had the worst run in a while today. I felt like shit and my heartrate was through the roof...
At first I was like
Even if you aren't sexually attracted to them, can we all agree female muscle is a work of art Zig Forums?
So.... how does one quit porn for good?
Are you more confident now that you lift?
CBT bread
Are there any legal steroid alternatives or "test boosters" that actually work? in USA
My sisters just shattered my 15 foot by 10 foot slate back mirror...
Who takes this fight bros
Retard Upper Leg obession
/fat/ free smells edition
Just shave it bro women love that shit
Wheyfu Thread
Can fit Indian/South Asian dude get qt Asian gf?(specifically Asian girl from South Korea or Japan)
Would it be gay to do pic related? Dp a girl, like two cocks in her pussy so you’re rubbing cocoa with a dude...
You've got muscles huh
Fit Feels
Damn... is it really that bad being a manlet?
What are some highly forbidden/ illegal training routines???
Were your fathers or grandfathers athletes? Or were they weak businessmen? Did they go to the gym to build muscle...
Does anyone here raise their own chickens...
You do have your paperwork with you right user?
/PLG/ - Powerlifting General
I used to always see 'my gf is getting fat' threads but I never thought it would happen to me
Do I need to lose more weight?
Zig Forums humor thread
Sexual/mental health
/fast/ - How do you maintain?
Knee pain after running
Achievable natty?
Why should I drink whey protein shakes when collagen protein shakes and bone broth protein shakes exist?
Zig Forums may not like it, but this is the natural limit
The absolute state of normie fitness
Hand thread. Pls no bully
Redpill on nofap
How can I get enough protein from a vegan diet?
He's being called out
How do I achieve this look?
Can we have a “This is the ideal make body. You may not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like.” thread?
Why do you lift?
LOL @ people who say home gyms are better
What bf% is this?
How do you cope when you discover that a member of your family has made negative comments about you behind your back?
I did 7 chinups today
Day 9 of water fast
Baby Elephant vs Zig Forums guys
This guy preaches a lot, but is he even natty?
Fish fingers
Why are you guys so obsessed with "mires"? This doesn't happen. If you think people "mire" you...
Can autism or adhd affect weightlifting ability...
Upper chest
"You don't have to tell me what happened, but you do have to eat this."
Why does everyone hate him so much?
Any other cyclists here lift?
PLEASE tell me you guys dont wear cope shoes
What do you guys do other than lift?
Why can't you press 365lb?
The more Zig Forums and /improoved/ I become, the more annoyed I get that gf won't go into the same path...
The eternal debate
/fraud/ - Blast and Cruise Only Edition
100g of dark chocolate
Are you gonna be a firefighter too when you make it?
Effects of porn/alcohol overconsumption
What's the upper limit on natural muscle mass for a 6'3" male?
Strength vs Hypertrophy
Mire Thread BDGEE
Are you Zig Forums enough to put a polluter in his place?
What's Zig Forums's opinion on dates?
Realistically, how long does it take until it looks like you lift? It's been 2.5 months and I'm still DYEL. 6'4"...
Why is he constantly telling everybody to consume absurd amounts of calories?
Bodyweight on resume?
Never forget
I am '18' and have been lifting for 6 months but haven't set foot in a gym for 3 months. I feel like a complete dyel...
Is lifting for young girls a joke
GFs are gains goblins
Low carb diet
Wench thread
Job Interview
> Men don't hit the wall
Is Christianity compatible with a Zig Forums lifestyle?
I just realized something
The swolest csgo esports player, BlameF. What's his routine Zig Forums?
Loose skin
What does anal sex feel like bros?
Gyno or fat?
Redpill me on nuts
You visit with your gf a pool party
Are there any supplements i can get my gf to take to make her wetter? like zinc for men or whatever...
Day1 of no caffeine
Holy fuck CUNTS, the gym fucking OPENS TOMORROW
The food industry lies to you about sugar
Is this too skinny ?
Why lift when it’s all about the face ??
Mmmmm. hmmmm. Closed, still closed
This is why i lift
What are you having for breakfast?
"W-why l-lift when its all about the f-face??"
Hey bros
just lift bro
The only thing I am lifting for is adoration of young women. I want them to drool over me...
Reminder that being aesthetic is 100 bone structure and muscle insertions
Tfw going to reach 4pl8 squat before 2pl8 bench
Does this look alright lads?
Gyms still closed
I think he looks pretty good desu
Chewing Gum
he does'nt even drink a spider shake after getting home from his workout
/EG/ endocrine general
Bro all this fuckin hate on squats and deadlifts are by bitches whose legs look like pic related "oh you'll get injured...
I literally just had sex two minutes ago. Posting this with my phone; still naked in bed. Ask me anything
/PLG/ - Powerlifting General
How do I get rid of wrinkle butt? Is it from sitting on a chair for too long? Body fat %?
Deadlifts are bad why do you still do this shit...
How much does pewdiepie weights? assuming he is like 5'9-5'10?
MD Gyms Open
Hi /fit i got made fun of my dog days ago and it made me self-conscious on my dog looks...
How is this mode called?
Isekai Zig Forumsizen
Stop shaving your body hair
What kinda stuff can I do if I only have plates but no bar?
Fit, what is it like to be with a fully developed fit girl that has good fat distribution in her breast and ass...
Weightlift and cardio, back hurts
Me and my first gf. Thanks Zig Forums :)
Last threads
/smg/ stock market general
White peoples make me sick
I can't believe it he gave it a 4/10
Video Games
Brit/pol/ - Everyone's Lazy Edition
Dominion Voting orders Sidney Powell retract ‘baseless and false allegations’ or will sue
Zig Forums General Drawthread
UPDATE: Got vaccinated 3 days ago
/fr/ - Le francofil
Pay close attention to this
No Source = no Soul
Video Games
Ban big trucks
When an anglophone tries to speak a foreign language
Why don’t you own an AR-15?
You WILL take the vaccine