Honestly is bench even worth it? Granted you’re doing things like incline Dumbell Press, cable chest flies, weighted dips, and of course OHP, what’s the benefit of the bench? Let’s say you’re more focused on aesthetics as opposed to strength. And then say you’re a fighter.

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The benefit and sole purpose of bench is so that when you are invariably cum inside some gross slam pig you can shove her off of you so hard that she flies through your roof and dies on the street.

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OHP is king of aesthetics, Bench is what kids try to impress each other with in high school.

IMO who needs bench, all it does is make the bottom of your pecs bigger, it’s unironically the most unaesthetic part of the pecs. OHP hits all the muscles in the chest plus the shoulders

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It’s fun and it feels good to bench 2pl8 :)

why cant i get over lesbian porn brehs

if youre doing dips and incline then you dont need flat bench at all

>those disgusting knuckles
looks like she drags them across the ground when she walks

Extremely homo post

eugh fat arms are gross