What's your motivation for lifting?

What's your motivation for lifting?

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Not that ugly goblin.

I lift for the Pax and Father Captain de Soya. Also I could use a Lamia Brawne gf but that’s neither here nor there

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>look down
>body still doesnt look like pic rel
>keep going

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The thought that every set and every rep makes trannies and defeatists seethe

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For Kanbaru!

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Body image issues. I wonder why my doctor won't understand that I'm not comfortable in my current weak shell and need testosterone to become who i should be.

you have a mental illness if the reason you lift is to mog trannies

I’ll share one: being able to physically handle women, like pick them up and put them on the bed, move them to whatever position I like...

Nono he actually has a good point there

Trannies must always be reminded that their genetic failures and should kill themselves