Be honest Zig Forums, if a woman like this was training in your local gym you’d feel intimidated by just her presence
Be honest Zig Forums, if a woman like this was training in your local gym you’d feel intimidated by just her presence
>not gettin a tren mama to feed you 400g of protein a day, free steroids and the highest t sex you'll ever have
You are absolutely not gonna make it OP.
Imagine her grabbing your dick with that arm
That would be scary
Tbh. Not really, i would be freaked out for sure, but that is how any normal person reacts to roided out freaks.
I'd be intimidated and probably hard as a diamond.
>intimidated by just her presence
>intimidated by anyone at the gym
lift your weight and leave, wtf
More like disgusted
Who’s the one on the right
Muscle women are the best, wake up
I'd feel repulsed that society allows women to do this.
No one knows
She's probably well under 6ft so nope
she'd be scared if I grabbed her dick too. You aint special.
I could one shot all of these bitches lol
Based and gunpilled
thats hot af my dude
Is this what orc women look like?
It would make more sense instead of this dumb shit Blizzard allowed to happen
Did they really?
lmao it looks so lazy and awful.
The dimorphism is so extreme they don't even look like the same species.
Didn't watch the movie, but isn't she playing Garona? She's supposed to be only half orc, so it kinda makes sense to have her look like that.
you spelled aroused wrong
She is half Draenei, who are bigger than orcs, and also have a tail, horns and fucking goat feet, Garona looks like a weak green human
Technically it doesn't since steroids are illegal almost everywhere.
I'd steal her panties to sniff before workout for the extra test boost
Not really. I would just fantasize about her
you've been out in the forest for weeks, hunting horde 25 hours a day, having to yell "yes my liege" every time that doofus lothar and his jack ass buddies ride past and then you spot that fit and toned green shebeast standing under a waterfall with her titties out... you'd totally hit that
Maybe inspired.
That's a man baby
I would physically cringe seeing that just as normal people feel involuntary disgust when they view a heavily roided body of either sex