Feel so good brehs

>Spent 6 years with a disk pinching a spinal nerve in lower back
>In constant pain for half of high school and college but never tell anyone cuz autistic
>Covid lockdown starts
>Something shifts in my spine and the nerve unpinches
>Orgasmic feeling returns to parts of my lower body I forgot existed
>Can fart piss and shid properly again
>Spend the next week with all of my spinal nerves tingling
>Go to my friends home gym
>Hit a MASSIVE dead-lift PR absolutely annihilating previous record
We're all gonna make it

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Dubs and it comes back lol

welcome back

Please no, every time I feel anything in my back now I get scared as fuck. If it comes back I might ironically commit suicide.


nice one brother



Trips and a chiropractor puts it back out of place

roll to ruin OP's spine again


roll, but it comes back for (You)


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So who's going to be the tenth attempt to snap my shit again?

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Why does it say blast cum on the wall

God is by your side user.
Wish you the best.

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Good for you user, you should still see a professional to check your bones every once in a while and definitely one right away if it ever comes back

Your spine is mine

come and get it you filthy gains goblin

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Oh no! Sorry about your spine (OP)!

happy for you brah. word of advice though, you should probably lay off deadlifting just to ensure it doesn't come back. it may be tough but since you already know what that pain is like i'm sure you won't want to risk it coming back.

You miraculously recovered from a spinal injury and youre not only deadlifting, youre going for a pr? you cant be that stupid

some kind of california gay thing if I had to guess

I was deadlifting throughout the 6 years and before that. I feel so much stronger now it's ridiculous. I remember the day the nerve pinch happened and it wasn't in the gym, it was while I was sitting infront of a computer.

Yeah Sorry I was a bit rude and only you know your situation it just seems a bit risky

No worries man. I'm staying away from long sets, bent over rows, trap bars, or anything that I haven't had loads of experience with going forward. It's just that now that I can actually feel my ass and hammies and lower back properly I have so much more muscle activation that my current PR almost felt like lightweight.

dubs and you visit SNAPcity soon

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How the fuck did you do it
Please tell

Dubs and he's safe

you dont gotta tell me twice bud