How can I fix this?

How can I fix this?

Attached: 4B92D1B5-A2EA-4F31-B09E-14B3B61B0426.jpg (1242x1097, 772.16K)

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eat something with more calories than the dust you breathe in

How does one get bones this thin? My I can't even wrap my fingers around wrists and there is like 0 meat on them.

There has to be an actual solution. Before covid, a girl was able to but her entire hand around my wrist, she’s not even a big girl! Never been so embarrassed

It’s over for wristcels.

just work out.

You worry too much.. no one gives a shit about your wrists you narcissist.

Stop thinking like a woman and go accomplish something with your life. Then people will care about you.

Become a trap.


How do you get bigger wrists I have to know, is it just genetics or something.

Sometimes i think im skinny and then i see pic related and all my worries melt away

Try working out and eating human food instead of the souls of children you hungry skeleton.

badabing badabye, now farmerwalks are your life.

You can't, but you can get massive everywhere else and then just wear something to cover them. You'll notice almost everyone that's big but has small wrists does this

Eat. A lot. Oatmeal is loaded with carbs. Real oatmeal not the flavored shit in packets.

you are too lightweight to even neck yourself

>got a dick as big as ya forearm

I used to be more or less this thin. It's unironically a result of not eating, perhaps being hyper-active as well.
It's not even like you're starving yourself, really. Maybe you'll pig out on chips every once in a while or have a light lunch and dinner. It's mostly just being too lazy to eat.

you sound like a massively insecure fag

>Oatmeal is loaded with carbs.
bro are you a nutritionist or someting?

idk ask your necromancer

Consume food

Ayyy lmao

>How does one get bones this thin?
50% genetic, 50% not getting enough good food as a child.
this is why it's important that your wife will cook good, nutritial meals everyday, so your children don't end up like OP. but with microwave meals and all this "feminists don't cook" "s0i is great for you" bullshit we will see this more and more in the future.

No muscle group to be found in the wrist area,just bones and tissue

Attached: pepe sing.jpg (810x362, 86.53K)

why is everyone on this board so insecure about their wrists?

You have stunted development, most likely from poor diet all your childhood and puberty.

Eat 3000 healthy calories a day, sunbathe, nofap, and lift weights. If you’re a teenager you still have time to become a normal human by the time you’re 25.

Your forearms getting bigger makes your wrists look bigger. Curl, it takes years

I know it sounds like cope but if you get your arms and forearms big enough small wrists unironically look really nice

Shorten your fingers