How do i prevent nausea and lightheadedness after an intense leg exercise? I did intense set of lunges very early in the morning. I had a pump like never before and could barely churn out any energy for the rest of my workout. How do i avoid this?
How do i prevent nausea and lightheadedness after an intense leg exercise...
Who have the pasta for this pic?
thick thighs really do it for me lads
hi miss u r very very bauetiful would love to merry u
Yes your blood sugar is too low. Its why people pass out when they deadlift. Just eat a handful and wait 10 minutes then workout.
> womanly
> chooses the weedjew over the alcojew
> comfortable in her own skin
Well it’s been 5 hours since my workout and i still feel a bit uneasy. I could barely finish my breakfast this morning
lev her alone sir she is my gorlfrend
you are verry beauty miss pls show bobs and vagene
Based thigh lover.
based, only a larping tradcel wouldn't smash
oh.. nvm
>implying to be womanly you have to be fat
>implying you have to take drugs
>implying being a slut, which is usually caused by daddy issues is her being comfortable in her own skin
i want to agree with you, but your arguments are dogshit
What exactly does your breakfast, lunch and dinner look like?
Here's one more for you, brother.
How do I get my asian gf to work her thighs goddamnit, those are beautiful.
yeah still not as good as op's pic
it's unsauceable
I have the same problem, legs day is a bitch.
This is a male
Well, I already ate my breakfast, so I cant show it to you
we're talking about thighs, not genders
please post more slutty asian girls.
Breakfast was 3 eggs with a whole wheat bagel and an avocado. Usually i have a greek yogurt with some jam, but i didnt today
>comfortable in her own skin
Will someone please finally answer whether coffee is good for me or not?
keep fapping goy, is good for you yes