I want to lift for something that's not a girl or gods. I think lifting for oneself is essentially lifting for positive reaction for others, and is therefore a meaningless aphorism. So what should one lift for? It all feels so shallow and superficial.
I want to lift for something that's not a girl or gods...
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Your people and your Fuhrer.
Lift for the upcoming racewar
she has absol fucking lutely no cue how tall 190 is.
>t. actually 190cm
most girls nowadays are around 5'7'', add heels and that's 5'11'', most girls want a guy 10-15 cm taller than them, so that's 6'3''-6'5'', you can't get a girl if you are not in that range
most girls and guys overestimate their own height by 2-3"
It doesn't matter what the truth is. What matters is their perception of reality because that's what their actions are based off of.
lift for him
>I think lifting for oneself is essentially lifting for positive reaction for others
the fact that you think this shows theres something wrong with you mentally
Hint: Most women have no idea just how tall 190cm is (or 6')
It’s not about what they claim, but you see when you go outside. You will see most girls being 5’7-5’9. And in western and Scandinavian countries most girls are pushing 5’10 bare feet.
I really want a girl that is 5'8 at least. No so many that tall in my hood tho
Those girls look Scandinavian. 190 cm is pretty average for guys in Scandinavia.
There has never been a better time in history to be alive as a manlet seeking an amazonian gf.
How to get ubermesch germanic gf who can bare me chad sons?
lift for monke
If you can't lift for yourself, then just kys
Wait.... I'm 6'1.. does this mean my gf isnt a girl????
in real life, scandi MEN measure 180-181cm on average, and women under 170cm. Of course, self-reporting leads to 5+cm being added to that
>as a manlet seeking an amazonian gf
Good luck lol. Most of these girls wouldn’t even look at you, let alone date you if your weren’t at least 6’1 tall. Even if you had a 10/10 body, 10/10 face, 9 inch cock, rich af, charismatic af, social status but if you were a manlet the MOST you would get from these girls would be ONS. They would feel ashamed to date and go outside with a manlet.
>sweden 20-29 yos in 2008, measured: 181.5cm for men, 166.8cm for men
"muh 190cm is average" meme needs to die
>The average Swedish man is 180.0 cm (5 feet 10.8 inches)
>An average Norwegian is 172.65cm (5 feet 7.97 inches) tall.
>The average Danish man is 181.38cm (5 feet 11.40 inches) tall
Shut the fuck up and go back to Zig Forums you defeatist cuck. You’re actually pathetic.
>be 6’3
>have a big cock
>be skinny/not fat
Literally all it takes to date german girls like that.
>So what should one lift for?
How about you just lift? Start with that first.
based gatekeeper
>data from 2008
I’m talking about current year retards. Go to northern cities like Stockholm, Malmo, Copenhagen, Hamburg etc. And the average guy is unironically 6’3. The only short guys you will see are Eastern Europeans that look white and rapefugees.
Sweden is measured at 5'11.5, Danes are no different last time I checked and that's pretty fucking tall on average. The Dutch too. Only the Dinarics and some nigger folks compete globally with Germanics.
the real redpill is that most insecure men delude themselves to be 2-3" taller than they ACTUALLY are
hence why you personally estimate 5'11" barefoot men to be 6'3", your standards are fucked from all the coping
>This fucking retard
In reality, women that are that tall tend to care -less- about their partner's height, because they feel completely normal being as tall as or taller than the men around them.
I think you need to go outside and talk to some of these girls that you want to speak for. I’m a greasy 5’9” Italian and my last two girlfriends were 5’10” and 6’1”. I don’t even know what ONS is but you’ve fallen too deep into the manlet meme if you think girls would date someone they’re ashamed to be seen with.