"So user, what do you do for fun?"

>"So user, what do you do for fun?"

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post frogs on the internet

Lift weights, read conspiracy theories and masturbate. Now fuck off

Recording my music collection consisting of hundreds and hundreds of gigabytes of mp3s and flac on cassette tapes while designing and printing beautiful labels for them

>Reading conspiracy theories and not finding out the truth by yourself

I post frogs on a far right extremist nazi discussion board.

Stretch, calisthenics, eat food, learning how to day trade, pound gfs pussy, and browse on Zig Forums.

Jerk off to highly sexualized animated girls

Play video games and masturbate

I play my bass and make art

Cooking, cycling, music, cars, film and a sprinkle of video games here and there.

>work out
>read books
>paint warhammer
>drink and do cocaine with my friends
>go to bars
>go to the beach
>play settlers of Catan
>watch movies
>go hiking
>play paintball
>dab on niggers, trannies, and jannies

Lift and fap

>I climb and read and play golf and hike and go camping and exercise and cook and garden and study politics, what about you?
>wow that's a lot haha I usually watch my shows but my favorite is taking naps haha

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I masturbate to 5000 year old space aliens from another dimension that happen to look like human children

I post elephants on imageboards until i get banned. Then i play 5 year old games on Steam until my ban expires, after which i will once again post elephants on imageboards.

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Why don't you use memefy as everybody else, you freak?

>Has a gf
This thread is not relevant to you.

Lift heavy things and put them back down


>"So user, what do you do for fun?"
>im into thai boxing
>"whats that user? ive never heard of it"
>its like kick boxing but better
>"ahh okay"
and then the conversation ends, every fucking time

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Do amerimutts really not know what muay thai is? Pretty pathetic to be wholeheartedly honest with you, my man

Wholesome elephant poster
Thanks user, that's a cute elephant

>i rape women and soak niggers with gasoline (you guess what comes next)

i walk through my childhood neighborhood and be emerged in thought of nostalgia while thinking about suicide


Climb rocks and play the theremin(badly)

I jerk off to futa transformers

where did you get yours? They look cool but all the ones I've seen for sale are plastic garbage

Because it's fun. Streaming is for faggots

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