>gym is open now
>tfw I'm too scared to go because I might catch the rona
Gym is open now
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Should’ve taken the homegym pill
there was someone on this board 2 years ago that said going to the gym was half getting Zig Forums and half being social. that has stuck with me ever since man. I don't think I could do that I mean I barely get enough social interaction as it is.
I just can’t wrap my head around paying the gym jew $50 a month for shit you will never own. I also couldn’t rationalize wasting fuel and wear/tear on my vehicle to go workout lmao. Lifting naked in a perfectly climate controlled environment is possibly the best feeling right under pussy. Imagine some 3rd world batsoup virus affecting your ability to lift all the way in freedomland lmao.
Bros I am broke, I need 2 more plates for my home gym and a dips apparatus
fuck being a student
>believing in contagious disease
>he doesn't have a home gym
I've been going to the gym at midnight for a year and the most I have ever spoken is "hey man, you using this?" "nah" "thanks bro"
Get some rings for dips
>99% of rona deaths had pre-existing conidions
>still only a .1- .5% death rate
>still afraid of the coof boogyman
Holy shit, you're such a sheep. lmao.
I'm fat tho
they are the nearly same price
I'd go for a dips apparatus itself 70sh bucks
Enjoy your permanent lung damage retard
>14% don't even have symptoms
>but this one guy said...
Bet once the media claims it makes your balls fall off you'll fall for that too.
>86% have symptoms
What does that even matter? Holy shit. It's no different than the common cold. My brother and my mom had it and they were hardly affected at all. Fever for two days and then they were good.
it's still like having the flu and having the flu fucking sucks
been watching porn while i lift at home and it rules man, dont think i can ever go back
and the flu has been around for how long without shutting down the entire economy and avoiding other people like the plague? Sure it might suck for a few days, but to change your life over something as bad as the flu is fucking pathetic. Might as well live in a bubble.
>500000 dead in 3 months....
>Common cold
>My experience is the only true experience
I love people like you.
>500000 dead in 3 months
And 100k in the US alone! Just ignore the fact that the hospital gets paid more for listing any death as covid, so even if they have it in the system and die from something completely unrelated it's counted as a covid death. Or even counting deaths as covid without even testing for it or doing an autopsy. Or the hospital putting people on ventilators even though it usually only makes it worse because when they die they'll get more money.
The death toll is about 5%
>inb4 Facebook scientists told me its fake
based poster
not according to antibody testing
isn't it strange that when you factor in the people who didn't show symptoms (because it's nothing) that it drops to a fraction of what's otherwise reported?
>paying the gym jew $50 a month for shit you will never own.
You'll get access to expensive equipment that will be replaced when broken and they clean the place every day.
btw I never pay over 30$
>be grad student
>school gym closed because of coof
>only one other gym is open in town
>it’s planet fitness
>i need to lift again and i can’t
Pic is me
>Scared that you might catch the Chinese flu
I don't know rather to laugh at you, or call you a massive faggot.
It opened a month ago here , and I'm in the most infected zone in my country, stop being a bitch, if we die , we die
I've had it (23 yo) and it's just a different kind of flu with weird symptoms
I pay 15$ and get a bus to the gym.
You better cower and live lin fear. I heard Op is a faggot
It also causes permanent lung and heart damage. Have fun with the rest of your shortened life.