What keeps you going?

What keeps you going?

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Adderall lately, or the hope that I will one day wake up happy.

>tfw depressed for years despite constant improvement

Happiness is a meme lads, your primate brain desires sex, food, and stability. Once those needs are met, it’s an upward battle filling the void

My drive and desire and absolute refusal to not make it. Not even fully sure what my version of making it is, but I know I’m not there yet.

surprisingly enough i dont have motivation. I read some books a while ago on positive psychology and discipline and learned 2 cool things. apparently your brain will rewire itself to provide dopamine based off its current environment meaning if you simply force yourself to live decently enough your brain will have you passively indulging in activities like exercising and providing dopamine when ever a task is fulfilled. Guess im gonna be in the clear for a long time anyways you do you and take care

Being able to make fun of wojack niggers and frog posters. There's nothing more satisfying than making fun of some faggot who posts a wojack or frog with a depressing story.

My burning hate for niggers

Books name?

You will never be able to beat one of us give up

The vision of one day griefing a lot of bases in Minecraft.

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achieving my goals

seeing my life improve