I’m 6’1 and 282 pounds. I know I’m a bit overweight but I do lift a lot. What should be my maximum weight considering I carry a bit f muscle?
Maximum weight
200kg is you minimum weight twink
Shouldn’t be above 200
>a bit
nigga you 70+lbs overweight at least
probably more like 90-100
By your traps and arms you have shit for muscle but even in the unlikely case you have a very generous 22ffmi, at a healthy yet high bf% of 20 you'd be around 210lbs. You're extremely overweight, you need to lose at least 70lbs and that's being very generous. In reality, you'd need to cut down to ~170 to look good (a more realistic 19ffmi and 15% bf)
>a bit overweight
You are not overweight, you are clinically obese. You are growing fucking breasts and even your watch is screaming help as it's being engulfed by a fatty writst
mirin bulk
he's even got fat guy belly stretch marks lol