Anyone actually managed to stop jerking off for good?

Anyone actually managed to stop jerking off for good?

Managed to go for 49 days without fapping last year but by the last week I was litterally dying to jerk off to this IG slut's pics, edgying all the time.

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What is edgying?

Jacking off but stopping right before you cum. It basically gives you blue balls and is a terrible way to do nofap since you will eventually relapse by doing it.

I need to confirm this slut is suitable for masturbation, sir.

Dude you're fucking yourself up by doing no fap., it'll drive you insane. Just cut back on fapping.

Attached: 1585013460270.png (857x1122, 1.43M)

You cunts are sickening.
>alwaysbtrying to stop masturbating
>count days

Yeah, no shit you failed. You gotta make your shit together and attack real issues. Nofap only good as will power measure, and by my own observation on the internet Nofap makes you retarded

TLDR; Just don't be a coomer, limit yourself and everything gonna be ok

you mean edging lmao
if your mind is always on it and you're literally browsing instagram which is filled with thots then what the fuck do you expect. now I don't have a life but get one if you're that eager to stop masturbating and you think it's taking thatm uch of a toll on you kek

We dont even get to see the pic of the girl who ruined your streak?

No I honestly think its better, it increases blood flow into the prefrontal cortex hence increasing your willpower and being able to achieve more. My brain was able to really focus a lot better after 2 weeks of nofap and got a lot of work done. I really have fucking stop fapping