What's your favorite pull-up variation?

What's your favorite pull-up variation?

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The tribulations are coming, follow Christ and repent, the night is late.

christianity has good values and I can appreciate it but I don't think it's for me user, hope that if god exists he blesses your soul for being a good christian.

Slightly outside of shoulder width pronated grip or neutral grip. I find chin-ups are hard on my shoulders and a neutral grip pull-ups will activate your biceps just as much as a chin up would so I don’t see the point in doing them.

Neutral grip.

a little wider than shoulder width grip, squeeze back at the top, then let myself down slowly. do a pyramid: 5,7,9,7,5. I'd like to be able to get to 8,9,10,9,8

How does a female own a virgin?

by telling him to
>have sex

probably weird findom/onlyfans shit

Like those polyamorous cult leaders from Tiger King. Except use pussy instead of an interest in wild animals to string them along while you take advantage of their naivety and loneliness to gain control over their life. Simple stuff, really.