Are you actually fit?

A friend of mine and I were discussing what the benchmark would be for an average guy to be considered fit, regardless of bodyweight. I'm not talking achievement or goal level stuff, I'm talking about the absolute bare minimum a man has to achieve in order to you to be like 'yeah, he's not unfit.'

We agreed on the following. Someone should be able to do
>5 pull-ups
>5 dips
>1 pistol squat
>8 minute mile
in order to be considered fit. It's pretty easy, but I realize a lot of self-proclaimed """fitness enthusiasts""" and """bodybuilders""" actually can't do everything on this basic ass list.

Are YOU fit enough, Zig Forums?

Attached: djimmi.jpg (418x389, 22.32K)

1/2/3/4 faggot.

>regardless of bodyweight
>all bodyweight exercises

are you kidding? that's extremely easy.

That's fit when compared to the general population, but compared to people who lift it's not impressive

I could do all this except the pistol squat up untill last year. I was even getting close to pulling off a front lever. I put on about 100lbs though now I'm just trying to get back to normal.

I would consider a 130lbs guy who can do everything on the list to be fit, for his bodyweight. but a 130lbs probably can't do 1/2/3/4. that's why the OP list should apply to anyone

even most gym-going Americans can't do more than 1 pull-up, pic related. forget about a pistol squat or an 8 minute mile.
imo these people aren't fit at all

Attached: lmao 1 pullup.jpg (528x719, 156.55K)

the average man is below average of what a man should be

I don't even know what a pistol squat was up until know,looks like fucking yoga I ain't doing that shit

5 pull ups and 5 dips is ez
They make us do 10 in high school

8 minute mile is hmmmm,I'm European but I had to run two entire circles around a football field,idk,probably couldn't do it idk,fucking hate cardio either way or as the layman call it "the ability to lose gains"

I just want to be able to do 1/2/3/4

Which my current stats are
OHP - 40 kg
Bench - 70 kg
Squat - 100 kg
Deadlift - 105 kg