So today I accidentally revealed my power level during a bj, can I recover from this...

So today I accidentally revealed my power level during a bj, can I recover from this? Or is it too late for my retarded ass

Attached: ab54e1a75258ec564f12b1f1512476e1.jpg (211x239, 6.17K)


How is this fitness related?

You can't just say something like this without any details you fucking retard

Need some context

>had a girl suck my dick
>told her I was into redpilled beliefs, hate women, hate blacks, believe there's a world-wide Jewish kabal who is trying to breed out whiteness and that I love anime and vidya

Guys check out this monster log I just cut off haha

Attached: F72270CB-F728-4E6F-859F-FE60FF610C00.jpg (3024x2662, 1.29M)

it's because of Zig Forums that it happened
>getting a bj
>think back to that post I saw on Zig Forums
>"your cum tastes bad"
>"yeah I know"
>start laughing at the thought of me doing that
>girl asks what's so funny
>attempt to explain what Zig Forums is
>"oh so it's like reddit?"
>went soft and said reddit is for faggots
>her little brother is gay
>she didn't like that
>not. one. bit
>she gets up and goes to the door
>cannot fight the urge to call her a fag
>door slammed shut

I tried texting her a few times and asked her if she's okay but no reply.

super based but eat more fiber king that looked painful

>love anime and vidya

Yikes kys