Zig Forums humour

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You ever notice the more politically active someone is, the uglier they are?

I bet this dude just does it in the hope to get some liberal pussy.

People who care about politics are either old folks who got nothing better to do, or social outcasts trying to rebel and prove their existence

Ted was right

sharpiro doesn't look bad, neither does a lot of the right at the battles. ugliest of the females are on the left and some of the most attractive sluts, fewer women oh the right


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Its blurry but the best I could do without access to a PC

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Hmm. Have you ever noticed that people's mentality affects their appearance? Ugly people become beautiful in a way, even if they are homely, whom think beautiful thoughts. The inverse appears true for conventionally beautiful people. They become ugly by thinking ugly. Consider people who are older now and what they looked like younger. I've met women, and some men who weren't physically conventionally attractive but when looking at them they had something invisible, or a shaping of their features denoting kindness.

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Shapiro is a manlet.

Shapiro is a manlet who looks like a 13 yearold boy. I can't think of a single person without a hebe/pedo fetish finding that child attractive.

Shapiro sounds and looks like the kid I'd shove into lockers

Guy is retarded

What a dumb statement. Not reflective of reality at all.
The miga crowd is universally hated on Zig Forums, my smooth brained friend.

The thing about politics is that it's entirely a theatrical production to entertain the rabble. The Romans called it... ...bread and circus. It also provides the illusion of choice while the powers that be steer you in the direction they want, like cattle. The minute details of this or that, and such is irrelevant, but remaining wholly ignorant to the process and its purpose places you as subject to such machinations. That being said, I'm sure your both perfectly happy with the way things are and forget anything I said.

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Nope, generally ugly people are the most bitter and hateful people I've met. Beautiful people, male or female, are generally kinder due to the positive feedback loop they receive


you can pretend to be aloof from politics until the democrats ban bitcoin for being a white supremacist currency and all your linkies go down the toilet you big stinky poopy diaper stinky linkie

Stop bullying my boy, he cute

Manlet closet homo

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Nah, he's also jewish too. YUK

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Of course I wasn't talking in general. I was referring to how a person's thinking can change their facial structure from wherever they start from.

I'm sure someday your votes will reverse things from their present course. Don't forget to vote this November! Your vote counts! Which degenerate traitorous jew lackey will you choose?

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the more politically active to the left

yeah no, nice try

>What a dumb statement. Not reflective of reality at all.
Second go on instagram and see all the blacked thots

its because only people who are unhappy and want change involve themselves in politics
the more extremist you are the more unhappier you are

Benny looks like a goblin

I don't understand what you're getting at. You'll have to elaborate.

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>politically active
More like the more "online" they are.

I've seen plenty of hot and attractive people on either sides of the spectrum. But if it's any sort of Kekistan alt-right or SJW antifa shit then yes they all look like absolute dog shit

I mean this fuckin guy looks exactly like the kind of women he would get mad against online.

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>The miga crowd is universally hated on Zig Forums
yeah okay

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I'm sure he'd be taller if he was apolitical

no hes right no one outside of /ptg/ likes migapedes

We both know you're lying and trying to push an agenda. You should feel at least a smidgen of remorse even if you are getting paid for it. But something tells me you do it for free.

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