sup Zig Forums just dumped my fat GF and i want to fuck onlyfans tier girls now. im only 140lb and 6'1 but i have no chest, wide shoulders, bad posture, and skinny limbs.
I just tried maxing out my pushups at work and i only got to 20. kworanteen has made my balls swell and i need to get some confidence to talk to women again, i dont need retarded mass or a balanced workout- i just want a bigger chest/my torso filled out to feel better about chadding whores.
fug - didnt even ask. What do i do to achieve this confidence? How long will it take doing pushups? I heard some autistic smasher just did dumb amounts of diamond pushups and he is swole decades after stopping.
What do i do now and how do i work up to that level?
Thomas Young
140 @ 6'1"? lol! im 170 @ 6'1" and im TIIIINYYYYY
eat for a couple months and come back, you're not going anywhere quickly buddy.
Dylan Flores
i eat a shit ton, like a stupid amount of food. unhealthy food too. I snack for 8 hours at work and when i go home i just eat beef and rice. What should i be eating to max my fat gain? nothing works that i've tried
Adrian Gray
>lifting for whores You will not make it and never will with that attitude. Also eat more and do a well rounded workout to build a decent bit of muscle you skeleton.
Evan Cox
I'm 6'3 and 176lbs. Sup my fellow skellys.
Austin Peterson
People aren’t that smart so if you just want to scratch the itch, just fake the confidence for now. Where retards fuck up is they fake it for long enough for people to realize they’re actually not shit. Work on yourself in the meantime, but be convincing that you’re confident.
Put on some weight too. Go for like maybe 1/2 pound a week, real slow like so you don’t accidentally balloon. Get on your grind homie
You are a hard gainer, you need to eat a lot and you need to avoid shitty food. I recommend serious mass by ON, shit packs and punch and is all nutrients.
Kayden Nguyen
snacking isnt eating, it's not food for you either literally EATTTTT untill you CANTTTT eat one more bite 3 times a day