To most people nowadays relationships and friendships are all just reenactments of tv shows and movies. They see all the vices incorporated in those actors through the given script and think they'd have to be their likeness to become like them. Few people are even real personalities anymore and distance themselves from all the bullshit.
But what the hell is that bullshit at it takes really? Just imitate a Chad actor and you're magically popular?
To most people nowadays relationships and friendships are all just reenactments of tv shows and movies...
i notice the people that care way too much about how they’re perceived ie social media followers are important to them, live life like NPCs. all around performative
Fake it till you make it.
If you feel that there is something wrong, be sure to take your pills.
I spent my late teens/early 20s in bars and pool halls and 95% of the people I've met fit that description, but any night in any scene you can find a person or group who truly gets it.
I guess its pathetic but I spent tons of money and effort just to meet those people and listen to their stories. I'd sit with them for hours and talk about anything and everything and then never see them again because it was never as authentic as that chance encounter.
It's easy to look at society from the outside and forget those people exist but they do and you should aspire to be one of them regardless of how discouraging it all is.
I don't have a good enough memory to imitate.
>I'd sit with them for hours and talk about anything and everything and then never see them again because it was never as authentic as that chance encounter.
Oh gosh you're such a queen
I mimic people I know with slight facial features and carefully placed body gestures and hand motions, placements of my physical extension, etc..
Hard as fuck to explain, but no, I don't consoom mainstream media, never really have. Parents have had me on Austin Powers and bloody Gore and titty films since I was maybe 5 or 6. Ive been full on cussing since I was 5 and been watching porn since I was maybe 7. I choose my media carefully, and I choose the people who mean the most to me to emulate any slight resemblance or behavior but only when given a specific task or social engagement.
It's like always having wanted to be your own person, starting your own family tree, and finding the highest truths known to man so that you may know more about yourself. This is coming from a guy with an AFA in Theatre going for a BA in Communication Studies. I don't look at people and act the way youd ever imagine. It's weird, but whatever.
Yeah, being yourself is easy. Encouraging someone else to be themselves can be hard. Dressing your own way? Speaking like yourself, who you want to be, rather than speaking the way you've learned from your region, or vice versa. Acting and behaving accordingly to regional social standards, or acting against the grain like counter-culture is your middle name. You name it. You're in control user. You can just easily see those who aren't. They're probably most likely the ones who have no self control over trying to fit in and appear normal amongst the rest, and so long as you can see this then you have a perfect example of what not to be. Don't take that for granted and don't waste that opportunity to learn from it.
>been watching porn since I was maybe 7. I choose my media carefully
Stopped reading there.
Zoomers can't even name a dozen actors, nobody really cares. They'll try to imitate streamers and YouTubers though.
They watch anime