FPH Fat Pest Hate

Experiences with fats and transfats in public edition.

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If you see a hambeast in a scooty puff pulling some unsafe shit with innocent kids, call the popos on it, cps is useless.

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Feel bad for the wife honestly. How exactly do you adjust to something like this? How do you tell the family, your children?

Which one of you was the guy in the mazzerati?

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You don't. You dose that thing with whatever you have in the medicine cabinet, disappear it, and tell friends and family it went out for cigarettes and never came back.

i hope whoever made this post knows I keked hard at it despite it getting no replies

>I wanna get pregnant
>The guy slowed down to look at my tits
This is delusion beyond the standard level that's for sure


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there's literally nothing wrong with being fat though?

Pigs are fitter than bongs. Maybe free the pigs and eat the bongs?

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