How do I get a natty Hollywood body?
How do I get a natty Hollywood body?
When did Hollywood jumped from this to bodies like The Rock or Momoa?
God, I remember when Hasselhoff used to be considered one of the manliest dudes alive. Now he's basically dyel compared to the shit they keep throwing out in capeshit.
When Arnold and Sylvester became household names.
Damn Elvis lookin dyel as fuck
shoulda included marlon brando in a streetcar named desire
Why would you want to? Every single one of those looks like shit with the exception of maybe Hasselhoff, and even he has a noticeably under-developed chest
Post body
kurt russel lookin good
>How do I get a natty Hollywood body?
See the thing is, even if you got the body, you would still lack the confidence. Which is what makes them attractive men.
do some pushups everyday. don’t eat like a fatass. there’s your dyel outdated hollywood body
>tfw he's 50 in this photo
I can start by telling you they ate at least 70% less food than you, everything actually cooked by a woman and no fucking sodas or anything sugary in the house
You're right. I pretty much have this body type but I can't into the confidence to match it.
Sean Connery was an amateur body builder before acting and was also a double hard bastard
hey watch it chief
Never thought Clint Eastwood was skinnyfat
Can I achieve Craig mode with calisthenics and without HGH?
I just want Cavill-bod brehs
action figure lookin ass
>implying that exists only since the 80s
Clint Walker and Charles Bronson were both pretty big stars back then and laid a huge emphasis on a muscular physique. Even Steve McQueen hit weights.
Cavil looks liket THAT?
He looks like shit in this pictures.
What is what women mean when they say dad bod
That makes it more attainable.
cursed t rex arms
those small hands, those weak forearms
this is a goal body for sure