What are some manlet horror stories?
What are some manlet horror stories?
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Someone called me short
Now that's fucking scary.
Not a threat
I prefer Manlet Hero stories
On which days is this displayed at the Louvre?
Does she not realise she is twisting the knife with that message? This is another case of lowkey evil or unaware retard
>as friends
I would prefer a girl ghost me than explain exactly why I’m genetically deficient and undeserving of her love.
>she is out there!! :D
Girls with less self respect than you do must exist, I guess
I swipe left on tinder thots that say they want someone larger than 6'0 (or any height for that matter)
I am 6'3
Manlets don’t deserve our solidarity. What has a manlet ever done for you? I mean they make you look even taller but they resent you for it. They conspire behind your back trying to convince females that you’re just a poon hound on the hunt for his next fuck (which admittedly probably is the case) in order to move their interest towards his twin sized bed. Both now comfortably wrapped in each other’s arms in the twin bed and with plenty of room to spare, the manlet seethes knowing that he had to cheat to win this female’s attention. Really what you being tall has destroyed for the manlet is his belief that women will ever truly respect him, something you’ll never know anything about. Manlets are our enemy. It’s time the manlet rebellion is quashed once and for all.
The enemy is women, not manlets. You have been fooled.
Rent free
>cheat to win
Someone called me "shorty" on my birthday. Except it wasn't my birthday but we partied as if it was. I was given Bacardi to sip on and no one gave a fuck because it was my "birthday."
Underrated, I see you
Take your meds, schizo. We don't conspire shit
Fuark brehs we're all gonna make it
>tfw thought I was 5"9 my whole life
I'm actually 5"10
King of Manlets tier, the manlets champion height
My best friends are all over 6' tall. I don't what it is but I literally get along the best with taller people. All but one of my gfs have been taller than me.
It's unfortunate you were wronged by pit dwellers, I'll admit I myself can be cruel sometimes and am working on being a better friend and partner to those close to me.
Wish you the best tallbro.
2 quarters there
My wife admitted she doesn’t love me, but that I was “good enough” and she needed someone to settle down with. She said I’m the bronze medal but she still appreciates what I do for her & our kids even if there’s zero romantic feelings.
I don’t really know how to feel. She wasn’t rude or angry or anything. But she said she’s basically with me because her parents like me and I’m financially stable. Should I suck it up and pretend this never happened? I was not even a fucking sliver medal
the feels
That girl is going to die alone.
>be 5'7"
>never had anyone comment on my height
>women at work ask me to grab things for them "you're tall user can you grab that from the shelf for me"
>be 5'7"
haha ur smol
Dude my heart sank reading what she told you.
To me that's some of the cruelest things you can tell your partner. I mean she's looking at you, your life together and summing it up with "eh"
How generous to hear she's grateful that you're a good provider, a good dad, but she doesn't respect you when she's calling you "good enough" and a "bronze medal"
I'm sorry I have no real input to offer bro, I just think that's fucked up.
That's a huge red flag.
You need to escape asap.
Dude, I'd immediately leave. What was your relationship prior to that? I know at least you're never going to be happy again after this, she doesn't respect you. Go out, live for yourself.
This situation would be so much simpler if you didn't have kids.
She just told you she's in it for the money. Leave her.
She doesn't love you.
You deserve better.
Dude .. divorce her ffs.
Lanklets and manlets United against the woman menace!