When was the last time men complained about unrealistic male body standards being promoted?

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men don't give a shit bro that's the thing

all dudes who look better than me are just inspiration to look that good.

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Kings support kings.
This is what women want to destroy.

never. men are better than womb-"""men""".

the beauty of the male form is the function of it's strength
that's really not applicable to modernity
how many lives hinge on a fit male body?
in the past it was required
not so much now

I refuse to go to the gym (or as I like to call it, the "Douche House") like all you shallow losers. You're wasting your time. Get a real hobby.

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Well, we don't use feminine words like unrealistic. We call it unnatural.

Kylie Jenner was a poor choice desu.

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