>she told me she feels like im her soulmate more than anyone else in the world and started crying "tears of joy" when I told her shes mine too
never stop improving bros, we are all gonna make it
She told me she feels like im her soulmate more than anyone else in the world and started crying "tears of joy" when I...
are we sharing nice stories in this thread
How did you meet her user?
I'm struggling bros, the social anxiety is so hard to overcome. Lifting weight is easy but lifting my emotions is not.
She got some mad game and you got played for a simp
Telling from experience?
These things are nice until they cheat on you because they just didnt know how to tell you they dont love you anymore.
Not saying this will happen to you, but dont assume it cant.
muh dick
Nice job OP. How can I get this?
go to therapy, faggot.
i know that feel bro..
Tears hahahahahahahaha
How long are you into the relationship? 3 months?
>she told me she feels like I'm her soulmate more than anyone else in the world
>she still left
eh, she was a bit chubby anyway. I'll end up with someone better.
seek God's love rather than pedestalizing some woman's. You will never want.
That's the victim beta mentality right there
You can either focus on the scenario that MIGHT happen, and still didnt happen, or focus on what's in front of you right now and here
I dont go buy a brand new car just to think that after 300k miles its gonna be destroyed, you fucking virgin
next comes the existential crisis that you weren't completed by romantic love after all, and are still a germ in the infinite vastness of entropy
Cope, 1 week or 10 years, they all leave u for someone else.
This literally happened to me two weeks ago
Next day she told me she wants to be friends, still went to the beach and all of a sudden were making out hard on the beach, then she said the same thing again and two days later she went abroad and blocked me everywhere
this really fucked me up but I am good now
Stop jacking off to porn
Gather my children, and let me tell you the tale of the user who's qtgf inevitably got BLACKED
im the user who posted the tomboy story itt
and im pretty sad to say that i expected your story to be also something like that..
it wasnt.
its just a guy who thinks he got redpilled. also dating a 15yo as a 27yo is weird, 5y gap is the absolute max
Dude, you are trying to say cope and probably act all macho, while you are sitting right now alone in your couch shit posting on Zig Forums wondering where your life went wrong chasing whores then wonder why they left you
Don't delude yourself, king. We came to the world alone and we'll leave it that way
Cuck user btfo
is not the guy you originally responded to FY.
I'm not telling OP to worry about it, I'm telling him quite the opposite actually.
I'm saying if she's the kind of girl who will, then she will no matter what. But that's something that's nearly impossible to ascertain.
Theres no point in worrying about it, but it's important to know that we are all capable of pushing people away if we become complacent in our relationships. Some people are ludicrously easy to push away by accident.
Meanwhile I'm hitting on this bitch on tinder paying way too much attention on her. About to cut my losses and uninstall that app. Just keep lifting brothers.
That obsessive love that feels so damn good when you first start having sex with your crush is temporary, and that is a real shame because there's not much in this world that feels better than that. It's weird, but I feel like things are interconnected in life, and good things lead to other good things. I've had moments that just blow my mind looking back at them, and I'm just like how did all that line up so perfectly?
damn, how do you maintain interest in a tinder girl, they are all so uninteresting.
Giving women attention is the biggest mistake you can make. You're supposed to try and get them beg for it.
oh man, oh boy
I remember the girl ,who took my virginity and I hers, said this to me. She said she never loved anyone like me. I never said it back. 3-4 years later after we break up, she claims she never actually loved me and that I was mentally abusive. Wasn’t surprised because I always told her she didn’t love me. i didn’t become a simp just because another human being, a woman at that, felt a certain way. Dont know how you stopped yourself from laughing in her face
This. The more you hang out with a bitch the less you want to, it should be a newtonian law by now.
Next time I'm keeping her at a distance for both our sake