Am i dying?

i just wore a sock and it felt tight after 5 minutes.
I took it off and the sock band have made a permant dent ring. and my foot felt a little weird.
Do i have diabetes now? Will i die?

Attached: 69ixo3blglh21.jpg (857x738, 260.48K)

Wait and see

How fat are you user?

euro fat.

its still there.

It's called edema. You're retaining water. Possible causes are usually kidney, liver, and heart related, not diabetes.

keto and fast right now, thank me later

See your doctor retard you’re probably hypernatremic or your heart is fucked go now.

Go to a hospital asap, I know someone who ignored water retention in her leg and ended up croking.

i also have drippy pee.

what is croking?

Kicking the bucket.


yep if you wanna be sure try to press down your foot with your fingers and see if it left a mark(depression).
if yes go to the doctor

You have edema. Go to the hospital, no lie it's pretty fucking serious OP your heart is probably failing this happened to me before.

you're just fat

Sounds like a bad case of Ligma

I had this too and I died from a heartattack. This might be serious condition.

Heart failure is different from a heart attack.

good thing i have free healthcare.

Yeah I get this too. You're all good man, relax.

the nurse told me to put my legs up.

How much dbol you on?

Lower extremity edema is usually caused by AKI, Cor Pulmonale, or sever nutrition imbalances. Take your ass to the doc and get some Lasix.
t. medfag

What's a bad case?

I have this too, OP, it's edema/water retention. It's a sign of heart disease but only a sign. I've had it for years and seen the doctor about it, so don't freak out. Clickbait ads are there to make you panic and buy whatever they're selling.

Get some compression socks (medical grade if you can but over-the-counter's better than nothing), drink at least 1L water/day, eat less salt, do some cardio (walking will help repair the blood vessels that are fucked in your legs right now) and rest with your legs above your heart and the swelling should go down eventually

Did you eat a bunch of salty food yesterday OP? That's usually what causes this. Sometimes it can be a symptom of heart failure but most of the time it's just water retention.

Might sound counter-intuitive but just drink a bunch of water and maybe take a potassium supp.

This. Can be permanent (but fixable) or just temporary based on recent laziness/salt intake. Change in pressure does it too, my mom's feet and fingers swell when she flies.


>potassium supp.
Let me stop you right there. Potassium supplements are incredible dangerous. There's a reason why you don't see them sold OTC. It's very easy to induce a heart arrhythmia or CA.

Potassium’s important but yeah within limits. Just have a banana, user