Based. You're making this board a better place to lurk. Cringe.
Thomas Fisher
This is real shit. The only way to change is to take action. Overthinking and worrying are the enemies of progress. Simply getting up and willing your dreams into reality is the way. Thank you OP
This, hard works trumps almost every obstacle in life.
David Walker
Sensible advice user
Logan Butler
Zig Forums has been a fucking cesspool this whole year so far, but the last few weeks I feel like the bros have started to reclaim the culture. Thank you based Zig Forumsbro
Henry Thomas
I'm 36 and never had a job. Managed to bench 2 plates for 1 rep but that's not going to get me any pussy.
Luke James
based what book?
Justin Ward
Literally just started lifting and I'm in my mid 20's. Thanks for the encouragement, pal.
If you're not gonna make it, reddit is that way Twilight of the Idols
Wyatt Jones
David Smith
Asher Peterson
Based. Hide/sage whiny r9k tier threads, we need more of this
Ayden Lee
>tfw 31 >tfw still a beginner, an infant >tfw realized man comes to age first at 33 and hits his stride at 50 hobbit style FRODO WAS A NEET TIL 50 THEN HE BORE THE RING INTO MORDOR JUST BECAUSE HE FELT IT WAS THE RIGHT THING TO DO HE DIDNT GIVE A FUCK ABOUT GIRLS HE DIDNT GIVE A FUCK ABOUT LIFTING HE DIDNT GIVE A FUCK ABOUT DIET HE DIDNT GIVE A FUCK ABOUT SAURON Be like Frodo. Walk to Mordor and destroy the one ring, ruin the enemy.
i am 21 and balding as fuck, no real friends, no gf. Got really out of shape for my standards, but this motivates me so hard. keep grinding kings, we are all gonna make it.