Is speed Zig Forums?

Is speed Zig Forums?

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Coke is

>t. pays grand to feel good for 20 mins

probably but its not as good these days

Enjoy your fucked up CNS and losing your mind due to staying up for days on end. Sure its fun for a year or two but in destroys you in the long term.

Speed is based, truly the white man drug

Cringe, only popular because of its portrayal by hollywood

Speed is the literal trash among drugs.
its always chopped up pill garbage, you never know what you get and you never get the same thing twice

>you gotta binge like a retard
almost as if you're projecting your lack of discipline on me
based comment thank

Is sucking dick based???
wow haha thanks

>t. not in the game

I was a big adderall-head for a bit, gotta say it's not based when you're an addict. Doing speed every now and then seems pretty based though.

gotta keep the experimentation period with heavy substances, do it sporadically for a month or so then quit lifelong

bodybuilders like steve michalik used amphetamines so they would be able to do 40 sets workout on low carbs. its based but also addictive

>doing any drugs besides weed, shrooms or LSD
Actual cringe inducing drug addicts. Go OD

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The drug takes control over you sooner or later .
You think you are the only retard who thinks he can "self medicate" ? As I said enjoy your fried CNS, kiddo

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>not mescaline

kinda cringe bro, but yeah occasionally

What natty lifting is to roids, speed is to meth.
Gotta be willing to fly a little closer to the sun.

I don’t get how people do shrooms/acid without smoking weed. That sounds gay and boring

thanks for the concern but I'm not a weak-willed sad faggot who needs to fill a hole or study harder, as always I'll be fine.

are you talking euro speed or US speed (meth)? I share your opinion if it's meth

Done both combinations several times, I think acid feels cleaner with no interferences, pure, in a way.

Shrooms with weed is fun

>weed is cringe
Nah that's just (You)

oh my god grow up

>not weak willed
>trying to use speed for gains
Yeah whatever you say

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I did acid without weed a lot when I was in the army, it's fine. Shrooms without weed is kind of weird.

these are the people that give you lifting advice on Zig Forums

>projecting this hard
Zig Forums as in possible parallell to lifting, not to cheat shred.

What does growing up have to do with smoking weed?

Coke is pretty nice in social situations where drinking might be a gains goblin so a bit of skiing is pretty nice as an alternative.

just dont get addicted

>don't do drugs, the drugs will make you fail it has nothing to do with you

I do 1.5/3.5/4/5 pl8

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nothing is more annoying then the smugness from psychedelic tards
somehow despite using drugs that destroy egos, they have the biggest egos

You stop doing it

coke in terms of social lubricant really is alcohol x100

>somehow despite using drugs that destroy egos

Insecure, huh?

tell me one single long lasting benefit you got from drugs

Kek nice projection you should take your own advice

I take 10mg of adderall twice a day. Started a little over a month ago. Has significantly improved my life. Calmed me down, I’m better at work, lost some weight because I have more impulse control. Should’ve been doing this years ago. To think about all the times I struggled in school and knowing that I was legitimately hyperactive and maybe not just undisciplined kind of bums me out. It turns out I was pretty anxious before too and didn’t even know it. I can also workout harder.

Legal speed is helpful.

He means ego death. But i dont see what arrogance has to do with the ego..

Would be based if you got pharmaceutical grade speed, otherwise it's cringe.

>imagine thinking you found divinity through chemicals
actually yes, probably
>my social skills
>my capability to relate to my peers problems
>my entire lifting experience started because of the outlook I got from acid
>my professional carreer

that said, speed is just short-lived hedonistic pleasure
I don't advocate anyone to do any drugs, all of this is possible to achieve sober, but in my case drugs helped me see some things differently

Nah I'm going to keep smoking weed because it's based. You cringe druggies can keep your speed I'm not interested in ruining my body

please elaborate, I suppose you deem it more dangerous and harmful?
arrogance is literally your ego masturbating

i think you also stop posting on Zig Forums

you do you fren

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DMAA is. Dark Energy is fucking amazing

I guess you're closer to the truth than I am.
I tried DMHA a couple of times and man is it a good PWO, but I can't imagine using it recreationally.

What helped you with your social skills?