Squat plateau on SL

I've been stuck at 187lbs squat for weeks now. I just can't for the life of me get more than 3 reps on all my sets, no matter how long i rest. It's fucking infuriating, because i've been making fast progress on SL so far, but now progress has grinded to a halt all of a sudden. What do i do Zig Forums?
>inb4 SL is a bad program
>inb4 squats are bad
>inb4 someone calls me dyel
Yeah yeah whatever, you're not that funny. I want some actual advice for once.

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Your program is not working. Yes, it is a bad program. Fuck you.

Just do some linear periodization. Pick a much lighter weight and do sets of 10. Add a bit of weight every workout. When you can't keep adding weight with sets of 10, do sets 5, then sets of 3, and then you lower the weight and go back to sets of 10. Start lighter than you think, the first few workouts should feel easy.

Why not just do HLM (heavy light medium) then?

That’s a fairly light squat weight, so I doubt it’s your main program per se causing problems. You should be lifting heavier over time regardless of the programming specifics.

So, I’d say first thing focus on diet and recovery (sleep, stress). This isn’t the same thing as time between lifting sessions. Two, work on any relevant accessories. Is your back/core holding you back? Do focused work on them. Ditto if it’s your quads.

Make sure your diet and sleep are in check, as well as your form. Learn to brace properly. I didn’t learn this until recently.

Diet is probably a factor, yes. I don't think i'm eating enough.

Also, would adding more colume help? I've been thinking about doing higher reps for lighter weight on my midweek workout, thoughts on this?

although SL and SS are shit programs im trying to help. first step unless u really want to go this route. abandon SL. its shit. u are not building muscle. thats one of the reasons u cant get stronger because the muscle doesnt get bigger so you can recruit it properly.
other than that, decrease your weights by 10% or basically to 90% of your 1rm and start over again and try to break through the plateau. this is according to the protocol for most 3x5 and 5x5 programs.
>eat more
the forums will tell u to eat more and thats probably right. you should eat more.
if that doesnt work for u just abandon the program. try out 531 or some other kind of manageable schedule. look up 531 for beginners. or just take a routine out of the books. hate to say it because i hate plebbit cucks but nsuns 531 also works.

Thanks bro, appriciate it. Although...
>u are not building muscle
I'm bigger than when i started, especially my quads and chest have grown, so i don't agree with this. I'll try to up my calories and see if that helps, otherwise i will find a new program.

Stop doing "SL" it's a gay program to waste your time and it's made by a belgian.

Why is SL shit compared to any other linear progression 5x5/3x5 program? They all do the exact same thing, get you stronger.

Ranging from most to least important
>your technique is shit
>you might be a pussy
>you're not resting long enough
>you're not sleeping enough
>you're not eating enough
>you're doing a shitty program
>you haven't read the book
First thing I'd do if I were you is get a video of your working sets

>your technique is shit
Feels pretty solid overall, might have to tweak my position a bit and see how i feel.
>you might be a pussy
>you're not resting long enough
>you're not sleeping enough
>you're not eating enough
>you're doing a shitty program
Maybe, but it's been working fine so far

Oh shit forgot to mention i'm 6'4 with long torso and legs, so that's probably not doing me any favors either when squatting.

>Feels pretty solid overall
You're a beginner, you wouldn't really know if you're doing it wrong
Start eating and sleeping more, rest for as long as you need to and have someone film you next time you squat.

Make sure you do accessories with your SL, and make sure you focus on form too. When I first started off, I squatted a lot with my knees instead of my hips. Figured out my form was shit after my knee started hurting, and after having some gymrats help fix my form the lifts became comically easy. Going up to 2-3 plates on squat was fast as hell after I got my form down.

Deload to 80% and go for 3x5, increase the weight imeach time by 5lbs
Go fucking eat then. How much do you weigh? At 6'4" you should be at least 200 and aiming for ~220

>Diet is probably a factor, yes. I don't think i'm eating enough.
well what the fuck do you want then? more specific advice? open mouth and put food in.

yes of course you are bigger now. newbs can do 1 set of 20 reps per week and grow bigger. this is the trap with all these 3x5 and 5x5 programs. newbies think it was the 3x5 or 5x5 that made them grow when in reality it was the newb gainz

Are there any good beginner oriented hypertrophy programs?


Well aren't you a helpful cunt.

yes PPL is quite good. coolcicadas ppl is pretty based. im not focussing on bodybuilding any more only building mass to get stronger. but i used to do 4 day 5 day bro splits. maybe not optimal according to the intellectuals of Zig Forums but also a good option.
just make sure your main lifts are still programmed for some kind of strength progression.

this is my only pleasure in life

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Eh, haven't weighed myself in a while. I'm probably around 86-87kg right now.

this one is alright rippedbody.com/novice-bodybuilding-program/

Volume is key, do your 5x5 and then hit some 3x12/4x10 leg extensions, lunges, front squats. Use a weight so that the last 2-3 reps are actually hard, don't rest more than a minute. Also diet and sleep are key factors, more important than training itself. Feel well rested in the mornings and get enough protein/calories. Good luck.

thats why 531 is so fucking superior to shit stain 3x5 and 5x5 for the average lifter
its easy programming and a million ways to add assistance because all u need to do is follow the 531 protocol. the rest is up to you.

6'8, long femurs. No excuses brother

Switch to SS, read the book and eat more real food

I went SL to SS to a university football team program and now I do a variation of Arnie's blueprint indefinitely

Before the Rona I could walk in and squat 4pl8 and deadlift 5 any day of the week (maxes higher)

At 187, I would guess you need some more food and a little cardio to get you over the hump

Not really
You could always milk your newbgains first