/fph/ - autopsy edition

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That would feed me for weeks. Why don't we use fat people to feed the poor?. You'd solve world hunger in a week

that's depressing.

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I put on about 15-20 extra pounds from being an alcoholic in college. How the fuck do you gain actual hundreds of pounds from food? Shit boggles my mind

Cannabalism is what seperates people from the chinese

>How the fuck do you gain actual hundreds of pounds from food?
Soda and milkshakes, calories go down easy when theyre liquid

Meat is back on the menu, boys

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Niggers aren't human so let them eat our fat

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to be fair smiling distorts the philtrum and can artificially thin the upper lip.

No one likes to eat pure lard.

That’s where all these TV tropes get it wrong, why would you eat the fattest person and not the most muscular?

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Truth. We cannot be free until they are all dead.

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>people follow a diet and lose weight
>then they stop following the diet and eat even worse than they did before and gain all the weight back
>therefore diets LiTeRaLly don't work
When will this meme die?

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She's right though, that's the evidence we have. If dieting doesn't work in the 90-something percent of cases, then it doesn't really work, does it?
You can blame fatties for their lack of self-control, or say that we have no better alternatives, and I would agree with you. Still, the evidence indicates that dieting, as a medical treatment for obesity, just does not work.

I understand the logic but it doesn't make me sympathetic to their cause. If you're too weak to stick to it, just die

Based, the thread is still active but this shit should be posted around

Its the language game you cock gargling commie faggot. Theres a big difference between
>90% of diets fail
>90% of the time people cant maintain diet changes
Ita obfuscating the truth through language you fat enabling niggerlover.

Gotta remember they never change their overall diet they just change it till their weight changes and it's been pushed that eating mainly carbs is the best diet even growing up my mom would always say your diet only needs 20g of protein a day.

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Ah yes, the modern pyramid of death and disease.

Fatties think that dieting is a silver bullet that they just have to do for a while to be health. They don't realise that throughout our life we are responsible for are bodies and have to make health choices. This is before you consider that fatties don't even diet correctly while they supposedly are dieting. Time and again people under estimate what they eat and over estimate how much they exercise. Diets don't fail, people fail at dieting.

It's like what the post earlier in the thread said being fat is too profitable for the government to want you to be healthy.

>If dieting doesn't work in the 90-something percent of cases, then it doesn't really work, does it?
That is not the conclusion you should come to you dumb fucker. Even if this is bait go fuck yourself. Sticking to diet is literally a requirement in order to test if it works and giving up because you are a weak willed fat fuck who cannot push through the slightest discomfort is not a proof that dieting doesn't work, it just shows that you should kys.

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A silent scream for help in those eyes.

Jesus who made this thing. I see it and think the HAES people have a point about the medical establishment.

>just eat a fuckload of carbs guys it’ll be great
>oh shit whoops

Growing up carbs were literally every meal at my house shockingly I was a chubster as a kid I'm kind of thankful for it because it forced me to be able to make my own meals and change my diet overall.


Funny how this is on the same channel

Anons, I suddenly have the urge to grab a big hammer and some railroad spikes. These beings don't deserve to exist on my earth.

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