>Research has shown that sharp reductions in the amount of food consumed can help fish, rats and monkeys live longer. But there have been very few studies in humans.

>Now, some researchers have found that when people severely cut calories, they can slow their metabolism and possibly the aging process.

npr.org/sections/thesalt/2018/04/02/598295025/scientists-say-you-may-live-longer-by-severely-restricting-calories#:~:text=Research has shown that sharp,and possibly the aging process.


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Well, as you age yeah

Makes sense. All food is inflammatory to varying degrees. Allowing your body recovery time between meals is a good practice.

No shit wow, people have been talking about the snake diet since 2016.
Fasting helps increase your lifespan with out fucking you over hormonally.

is the metabolism permanently slowed? i rather like having a fast metabolism

>slow their metabolism and possibly the aging process.
Slowing down the aging process is good though?

everybody is ageing all the time you retard

I'm not.

fuck you

Reduce calories by the year


Then die early

>Living longer=bad
God, how can people be such retards

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Hear it can lower baseline testosterone.

But food is good and life sucks

>add 10 years to your life so you can buy more prescriptions while you live in a home with immigrants wiping your ass and you've forgotten everybody's name who ever meant anything to you

Yeah it seems really fucking great being a 40 kg skeleton eating 1500 kcal a day

Ottermode 10-12%bf is the way desu. I was always right

>it's better to start falling apart at 50 and die at 60 than to start falling apart at 65, become demented at 80 and die at 85
shiggy indeed

Not the guy but
Living after 60 or 70 years is just retarded
I would like to not really live longer,just lift big and leave a big casket

You don't understand, do you? I don't want to live, my life is shit. I'm committing suicide by food.

yeah cool i want to die though

Done some work in retirement/care homes and let me tell you its put me off wanting to be old, the smell of piss and shit is pretty bad but the not being able to do anything yourself is scary as fuck,dont take your younger years for granted also dont squat deadlift or lift heavy or you will be a mega cripple when older no fucking joke

powerlifters report less back pain when they get old than the general population

Fasting is great yes

>powerlifters get old

most powerlifters die before their 50s like fat fucks

how am i suppose to get big and strong if i don’t eat? miss me with that gay shit.

Do you want to live 85 years stronkkk or 87 years dyel. Yeah, thats what im tulmabout

Shut the fuck up retard

It has been know for CENTURIES, I remember reading about it in the Quixote as a kid