Yeah I do dips, how did you know?
I miss my gym. Haven't done dips in 4 months
i litteraly cant do dips, my inner chest cracks and i feel the bones doing the work, after 3-4 i pop my shouldwrs back and hear a pop from my inner chest bones
whats a full proof way of getting correct form? like squeeze your glutes for pushups but for dips?
inb4 dyel im squatting 1 plate and 15 now so im not fully dyel
Try switching to doing bench dips instead, you can do them from a chair
>no, i don’t do ohp and I’ve never heard of shoulder raises before. How could you tell?
Based delt neglector
Lean yourself forward so you activate your triceps better, also try switching to a narrow grip if your shoulders hurt. Thats what worked for me
Will do actually, thanks bub.
>those skinny little arms
>makes a thread
Yeah I fell for the powerlifting meme, started to work on them like a month ago
Leaning forward stopped my clicking elbow, definitely do it this way
Post body
>p-post body
Nice physique
Hurr durr, 95% of this board is DYEL tier, ofcourse I would ask him to post body
that's not me, i didn't post body. deal with it.
had this all the time too. lean forward and keep your back straight. at least for me my chest will crack when my upper back starts to round/curve.
Bro your arm looks freaky.
That is so disproportionate, I hope that's not you.
always fuck up my elbows whenever I do unassisted dips. what do?
Lean forward and keep your back straight
Do you flare your elbows?
Dips are not an easy exercise. Your shit will crack and pop if you dont have the musculature for it. But of course nobody will understand this because everyone is ego lifting.
Most people cant even do one pullup, which is your entire body weight being pulled by your entire back. Wtf makes you think you can push your entire body weight up with just shoulders pecs and tris if you aren’t strong?
Just use your bed faggot
Connor pls go
Lmao they opened gyms like 1.5 months ago in Canada. Why is America so cucked?
>inb4 dyel im squatting 1 plate and 15 now so im not fully dyel
Do bench dips work chest???
It's just Los Angeles
Please answer me
If you can't get 30-40 reps on this, cold...