Is CICO as easy as it sounds? If so, why are there still so many fat people?

Is CICO as easy as it sounds? If so, why are there still so many fat people?

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CI exceeds CO

Because they're lazy retards who don't want to improve themselves

CICO is straightfoward, it's not necessarily easy.
Easier said than done, in other words.

You can't /thread a thread yourself new fag

Ghrelin makes it really hard for fatasses to not stuff their face with vast amounts of food. They overate their entire lifes, eating a normal diet or even a deficit makes them feel like they are literally straving because they are fucked in the brain and their hormons from never not overeating.

>why are there still so many fat people?
Its a symptom of immaturity, alcohol, and lack of self control. Of course theyre going to be everywhere

It's impossible to stick to a diet for the rest of your life if you're always hungry.
You can last 3 months
You can last 1 year
You can last 10 years
but willpower is ultimately finite, if you're constantly starving then you're going to break and fuck up your diet eventually.

I honestly don't think fatties should even bother counting calories (however they should be mindful of what foods contain a lot of calories) until they're sub 20% bodyfat, they should just get into the habit of eating homecooked high protein high fiber meals without snacking, they'll lose weight without even trying.

>relying on willpower in 2020

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They cheat on their meals I thinks its almost impossible for a fat/obese person to lose weight eating 3/4/5 or more meals a day hes bound to cheat in atleast 1 meal if not more.
OMAD or 20:4 IF is the best way to do CICO honestly unless you are in relatively healthy weight then conventional dieting will work maybe even better.

It's boring, it's slow as fuck (assuming you don't hunger a lot to lose weight), and even if you only cut down a bit on calories it can feel terrible because you are used to a way to high calorie consumption.
The most important part for me to make it work was finding distractions to stop eating out of boredom / whenever I feel slight hunger. Also a lot of people just cut down on the amount of garbage they eat leaving them feeling unsatisfied with their calorie intake.

Its a simple concept, but that doesn't mean it's easy to implement. Remember these people are addicts and food is the only thing that makes them feel really good..
It's slow and people usually jump in the deep end immediately, most give up because it's too hard. That's not even mentioning the people who gain it all back immediately.
Weight loss is the ultimate pleb filter for today and future societies until science finds a way to keep people looking healthy with no effort.

its all about will power, which fatties have are completely lacking, also most people want something to happen overnight which is why so many retards try to fast, only to instantly put the weight back on because it didn't fix the issue of them eating to much

>its all about will power
Honestly as an ex fatty , for me now not eating shit is waaay easier than before, I think fat does weird things to your brain or something,I dont want to ever go back to that, its so much easier now really, obese people must go trough hell when dieting I dont even want to imagine it.

It’s as easy as drinking in moderation. People are fat because they’re addicted to food.

Is nobody going to mention her weirdly shaped head/face?

I've been running at 1500 cals for months... you know what sabotages it?

People forget there is 3500cals in a lb of fat and that they have (for me) 2200-1500=700 cal deficit.
700x7 = 4900.
That 4900 deficit over the week is easy to almost completely neutralize with 1. A dinner out during the weekend and 2. Partying/drinking


but I kind of want to know what cringey shit ponytail told her, girl on the left's face is in an interesting reaction

CICO isn't easy or hard or measurable- it's a rule/fact/discovery stating that your weight is determined by the amount of calories you expend compared to the amount of calories you consume, over time

The reason it gets argued about by retards in threads like these is because people don't understand the difference between calories stored as and burned as bodyfat, and calories consumed via diet. Ultimately every calorie is always identical by definition because it needs to be and arguing about dietary efficiency differences isn't an argument about calories, it's an argument about where and when you measure those calories

This is true. Fasting is a great way to reset that. Just tell them to eat the same amount of food in a progressively smaller window. In my experience, I just got less hungry over time and then it was easy.

1. Every study, both objective and cognitive, ever done shows that will power is infinite. It just happens to be "used up" before coming back in some models
2. Will power is irrelevant if you form habit, which is why most people fail to change within the first few days to weeks to months of any new change, diet included, and why people who breach a couple months less and less commonly fall back to old habits
3. Counting calories is one of the single most useful things fatties can do to measure and adjust their diet, as yet more countless studies have shown
If you're going to talk facebook level nonsense on the internet at least make it somewhat believable

Got a sauce?

>1. Every study, both objective and cognitive, ever done shows that will power is infinite. It just happens to be "used up" before coming back in some models
That's exactly what I mean by "finite", something that's infinite can never be used up.

>2. Will power is irrelevant if you form habit, which is why most people fail to change within the first few days to weeks to months of any new change, diet included, and why people who breach a couple months less and less commonly fall back to old habits
Yeah good luck making a habit out of not being hungry, which is what's going to happen if you make fatties eat 1200kcal of high fat high sugar low protein low fiber meals for months on end.

>3. Counting calories is one of the single most useful things fatties can do to measure and adjust their diet, as yet more countless studies have shown
Yeah anyone can lose weight by counting calories in the short term, but it does nothing to help fatties keep the weight off for the rest of their lives until they can find a permenant solution to being hungry (hint: eating high protein high fiber meals)

you sound like an idiot who thinks he's smart.

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people are bad at counting, plus cico requires a massive life change and people tend to go with it for a little while and then revert back

a significant portion of the fats on biggest loser end up regaining their lard asses after the show, because while they put in the effort for the show, they don't continue it, plus some of the diets / regimens in the show are questionable.

our modern diet is also fucking terrible, full of processed super flavor food that has no nutritional value. Companies spend billions a year trying to find out the exact amount of fat sugar and salt it takes to make someone addicted to their food. Food addiction is a real thing and some foods are specifically engineered to produce the same type of chemical response the body has to drugs like cocaine and heroin. This helps contribute to obesity.

Can you only think about SEXSEXSEX, is that why this bothers you?

this isnt even me, im the oc and otrhers have begun taking up the flag to help
Long live Zig Forums

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>4900 cal
>1. A dinner out during the weekend
That's a sick dinner

No, CICO does not work. Look up the Minnesota Starvation Study. You will lose weight with calorie restriction, but you will also destroy your body and mind in the process. Your metabolic rate slows and you feel cold all the time. It's extremely unhealthy.

The proper solution is to go on a very low carb diet, and stay on it, forever. That's the healthiest way to eat. Most people are fat because they eat carbs. Yes, there are a small portion of people who are just gluttons, but that's not the case for most. Their overeating is because of their hunger; when the body can't properly process carbs, they get stored as fat and you get hungry again quickly, because your body isn't getting that energy.

Humans were never meant to eat carbs except for small periods of time as a survival mechanism when meat was not available.

>Is CICO as easy as it sounds?
It's really tedious but easy. IF works better for me.

>If so, why are there still so many fat people?
Because fat people are lazy.

jesus christ shut the fuck up ketard

Lost over a hundred pounds. I know what I'm talking about, and you don't.