Why do dark haired men look so alpha?

Why do dark haired men look so alpha?

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Well, the guy on the left is chubby and beardless.

This shit didn't just change hair color and added a beard. Look at the lips.

Good eyebrows and eyelashes can maky any meh eyes into good-god tier.
And unironically thats basically were the dark hair halo ends,maybe the beard looks a bit better but nothing else really.
That being said is a huge halo like a +1-2 depending on the dude.

The eyes, eyebrows, nothing is the same, faceapp is bullshit

I found the blonde weaklings

Shahar after liposuction

It's the eyebrows mostly

Cope harder.

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Because contrast looks good

Eyebrows. But blonde men usually have better height which counts for more.

If you have a white guy with height and dark hair it is usually an automatic +7/10

>based. Darker hair and eyes is alpha. Med masterrace

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>consistently choosing the worst glasses imaginable

>has to pick glasses picks to cope

Slavo-finic phenotype

Why do they all have the same shitty haircut ?

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>Right has changed facial structure

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u jelly of my med phenotype yt boi?

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God why can't i have this

We own your women, Nerdick bois

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Is that why all your women travel to med countries for sex?

They all look slav, wtf

Among members of the same group - darker features heavily suggest higher testosterone.
Note: I said same group.
You can't take that to mean Indians are more alpha than Europeans.

>slave eyes
you can have her lol

This is what a real ROMAN BVLL looked like. The eternal med wants to hide this truth

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OK, now edit them to be blond and see how much worse they look.

I'm bald with dark beard but blonde is objectively superior even if it's just for the rarity. There are billions of dark haired bugmen, pajeets and roaches while blonde features are the most exotic.

>med masterrace

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