She unmatched me after this

She unmatched me after this.

Who was in the wrong here?

Attached: 1D7A2DB9-64EA-4A39-98EA-5A2FC230A512.jpg (1124x1756, 78.95K)

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didn't know greta thurnburg was on tinder
also sage hide and report relationship and dating threads


You, you fucking autist

Haha isn’t funny though egg roll sounds like ey girl

not op but same, idk where I went wrong bros

Attached: unmatched after.jpg (286x572, 9.73K)

sorry to burst your bubble, OP, but quality women won't respond well to crude humor or low effort introductions.

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if the guy sending that was a chad she'd laugh desu

>messaging first

Attached: yeah.png (504x595, 150.46K)

hi Chad. What are you doing on Zig Forums?
The guy was clearly bantering as any clever Brit would. Stupid immigrant cunt had no idea of that.

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You know how autists will take on a persona when they post here vs how they would behave IRL? That's every girl with their texts/DMs/whatever bullshit vs their real life persona. A girl will send you nudes and beg to choke on your dick on texts and tap out the moment shit get's slightly real IRL.

>women calling a man pretty
Like hell you are a Chad lmao

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Have decided to make q tinde account yet am torn
A. Give in to hedonistic tendecies and post half naked gym selfies to attract the sloots of tinder
B. Post just decent pictures of myself in hopes that an actual decent human being will match me
I just want a qt.14 /lit/ gf, is that so much to ask

Worth a try, but sadly it's a lot to ask for these days. You won't know till you try though. I met some cool girls off of Hinge. It's way better than Tinder.

the first one, for sure

doesn't matter, girls on tinder get 99+ matches within an hour no matter how ugly they are and will get messaged by tons of guys

Make up your mind. If you want a gf, you should probably use a more serious dating site or just meet people.

I love hatereading sperg tinder messages

My man here knows wassup, they're all tough and hoes and can handle a dick till I stick my log up their asshole.

I've seen the pic of that guy, it's some 6/10 unconventional looking twink from /fa/

Stop trying to be funny act like a normal human being jesus


The guy sending this is a chad by default

I'm just tired of dating man, i get a girl and it just falls apart before it solidifies into something real. I'm 25 and have dated 11 women but not once has it gotten to the point where one came to love me. I don't know whats wrong with me

You really shouldnt be seriously dating someone from tinder

Lmao is it really that bad come on

Desu I'm 27 had 5 women say they love and and due to abandonment issues told them all to get fucked. It ain't always greener and it's not that great anyway, just means you get less free time for enjoying life and can hardly vacuum because they don't fucking leave

>Tinder thread on Zig Forums
These are somehow worse than the ones on Zig Forums, to be honest.
Youys have no hope.

whats a glazed ring?

You're just never going to find a gf girls don't want to date the class clown bro

A donut.

>whats a glazed ring?

Attached: glazed hole.jpg (908x678, 131.93K)

Without looking it up, I imagine cum (glaze) on a butthole (ring)

>I just want a qt.14 /lit/ gf
Maybe you try somewhere that isn’t a breeding ground for instawhores and the like

You guys just ruined it

Imagine how many billions of dollars a year are wasted paying these people to do nothing but hurt the production of companies.

I don't get what this even means. I don't speak autistic zoomer.