Is ASMR Zig Forums

Poor fag here, can't afford AC, so I sleep in a scorching hell most nights. My sleep Zig Forumsness has suffered, and I know as a consequence my gains aren't what they could be. I'v started listening to ASMR and it's helping. Anybody else? Is this a brainwashing scheme by ?

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Goodnight moon ASMR is fit

Dude just be normal

They're brainwashing you to crave the touch of a f*moid

Attached: dontgayme.jpg (857x717, 100.21K)

pls elaborate i have autism

Attached: Fred_Fredburger.gif (256x238, 16.82K)

Someone post her leak.

Jokes on you I mostly watch phoenician sailor and ephemeral rift. Men do everything better.

There’d be no leak. She’s not that kind of girl.

ASMR is such a zoomer thing. Stop sponsoring talentless fucks.

leak you say?

Attached: 831.png (680x130, 52.71K)

Yes there is, someone posted a webm of her posting in her underwear in bed.

If you watch ASMR to sleep it’s fine if you watch it to jack off it’s also fine but weird.

People who don’t actually experience ASMR don’t understand it. And they certainly don’t understand how it’s not a sexual sensation.

>What are deepfakes

Just sleep with a fan on you fucking retard.

Marconi Union, Weightless.
Made by actual eggheads, scientifically proven to help put you to sleep.
Also, can't you get a fan or something?

i have a huge thing for male voices, any good ASMRs catering to that?

I have a fan, but the nights are fucking hot.

Bullshit. I’m literally laying in bed and this would 100% keep me awake. Way too many high pitched noises.

No there’s not.

there was a canadian guy who made great videos, even if thos werent clean looking.
sadly he removed everything.

user, you're supposed to listen, let it torpedo your vitals down, shut it off and go to sleep.
You're not supposed to listen to shit while sleeping, that's dumb.

You fucking retards it's 100% her. She had an abusive past. I wish I saved taht shit.

Amy Kay ASMR is a pretty good channel. Her recent Harry Potter one is incredible, the second half especially puts me right to sleep. Also no sexual or suggestive stuff like. . . Ever. Which is a plus.

>she had an abusive past

She’s a bit young to have much of a “past” user.


just go on Zig Forums they can find it for you user

>calls retards

Bro it’s not like you posted the video. You’re just like”trust me” and calling them retarded for not trusting a stranger online. You could easily be lying, or wrong about the authenticity of the video.

If you expect people to just like. . . Believe you, you’re the retard.

Now this is the real shit

autistic ellen paige

Attached: flat,750x1000,075,f.u2.jpg (750x920, 127.9K)

Kek that's fucking gay dude, holy shit.

Uh oh he thinks looks are important in ASMR. . .


Why are you in this ASMR thread retard?

I lift for her
Make way for the king of ASMR

Maybe put some snowstorm or cold wind sounds on, trick yourself