how it feels like embracing monke?
How it feels like embracing monke?
fuck bros. I just want to wake up next to her. she seems so damn wholesome.
keyword is seems
i like more the monkeys they are stronger than her anyway
Do I look like Pitt?
>she maek my peenee hard so she must be good person
Shes probably a bitch in real life user. Grow up.
No you don't, and you should really work on your entire back its very very weak compared to your front.
I've been wanting to embrace the monkey and climb trees and shit. How do I climb around without looking like an idiot?
i want to damage her pussy with my savage cock
real monke dont give a fuck about what apelets think about them
you are a 10/10 male but your autistic aura puts you at the same level the average shitposter on /fit
I want to wake up next to her and then go play with monke all day
dude these little monke as small as they look if teased up they can severely damage you, jusy because they are cute and small doesnt mean they cant be dangerous, they are drugged up thats why they are docile to her otherwise they would tear her face off, gibbons are no joke they may be small but they vertical leap is 3.5 meter they produce more force than elite Nfl linemen
Those are baby gorillas
no lol, they are baby gibbons look the longish arms
Do more curls, other than that I'm mirin
>I have never been in a health relationship before
Seethe more nigger faggots.
>is he nordic?
yeah! my homie nordic as fuck, prussian german ancestry bitch
oooh oooh ahh ah going monkemode
Gods I want a Monet tomboy gf
plz be real
>healthy relationship
No such thing buddy, Sorry to say
>still not going monkemode
Of course
Dude, what are you doing in the gun part. Are you having a headache or something?
I like the little chill one in her right arm. The other one seems too horny.
that's a glimpse to her future.
single mother of mulatto children.
You look like if Pitt fucked Leo and they had a kid who wound up a huge narcissist and secretly gay.
She take B..B....C...Only
you look ready to play hardcore Minecraft and I hope you do
we are trying to talk about monke can you please fuck off back to Zig Forums