How much do i have to lift for a tomboy gf?

How much do i have to lift for a tomboy gf?

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bout tree fiddy

wish i knew

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I'd be okay with any gf right now. Quarantine is making me borderline suicidal.

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Daddy issues to failure

>tomboy gf


guys is it gay to put my penis in a vagina? asking for a friend thnx

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I can remember ending up on a very cute hockey player tomboys channel. Pixie cut black hair and pretty blue eyes. I clicked on a random video and they were talking about transitioning in it. The date on the video was from a year or two ago. I checked their most recent and they turned into slightly chubby teen boy with a hoarse voice with very light and shitty facial hair. That was a few years ago, they're probably dead now. Anyone know the channel?

I don't wanna know user. It pains me to see people lose their way.

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>wears suit to formal event
Why can't more women do this? Why they always have to look like clowns with all those disjointed colors and pompous dresses specially if they are politicians? One thing they're supposed to be better at, and they suck

Fuck off

Dont forget to get your tomboy folder some saint made lads.

mega nz/folder/KYQmBQja#RvcATb1sq_X39xF0zpMBKA

Just fill in the space with a period.

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I went to prom and the tomboy I was sorta seeing at the time went with me dressed in a suit as well. Bro if you think you look good in dress pants a woman's ass looks 4x better. Man I miss her

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>Literally being gay
Dresses are the best thing a woman can wear.

Plenty of gay guys married with kids out there.


Tomboys don't exist in real life. By that I mean the ones you fags fawn over. Every tomboy I know is either a slut or a dyke.

>I just want someone who calls me bro and dude, has short hair, plays video games and sports, drinks beer and lifts weights with me, and generally acts and dresses like a guy

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>tfw no tomboy gf with fat milkers that she's self conscious about

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based af
fuck trad

>not being gay
>not literally being drawn towards muscular, low fat bodies

These are the types of fags that then justify being sodomites with "femboys"

mfw still holding out, waiting for a tomboy to come my way

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Femboys are mentally ill tranners
Tomboys are pure

nah fuck femboys, tomboys is where it's at
still hella gay tho

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>tfw you realize that you don't actually have a Tomboy fetish, but rather a fetish for cute girls with pixie haircuts

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You don't really want one. They follow sad paths and will likely end with you either alone, without children, or both. The tomboy I had in high school fell hard, and when I see her on social media, I just see the now soulless eyes.

I've lost all hope,I cling to a dream I know is fake but it wont go away. How long do I have to endure false dreams of delusion until they become nightmares.Im sure Im already living in one but I cant seem to wake up. What is the point of making me suffer if I have nothing to learn,is it punishment for my previous life's sins?Is it funny to him?Am I just his little pagliacci made to dance and scream out of misery to make him laugh?
I hope to forget how to dream and maybe then I can finally find peace in never knowing the existence of cute tomboys.


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it's too late I failed us bros

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You only fail if you give up brother

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I contemplate the tomboys every day

Same... but she had big boobs. I dropped the ball and never texted her and she ended up going to college and becoming a huge fucking SJW tho.

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Exactly, I want someone with a bro attitude that I can also fuck

Men are supposed to be masculine and women are supposed to be feminine. This is the natural order.
If you find yourself attracted to the masculine, one must wonder which category you yourself belong to.

you damn fool user, I split with mine on good terms after we had a good time. You should hit yours up sometime, what have you got to lose.

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I dont care about your reddit stoicism muh wheatfields shit i love tomboys go suck on a shotgun

for me it was 6 months with big ass and tits

She's a different race and I don't want mutt kids, it's also been almost a decade lmao

oh, damn dude that sounded way better before you elaborated on it. Good luck with your current pursuits brother

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>go suck on a shotgun

You want me to suck on a long, hard object that shoots the contents of its two chambers out of the tip? Interesting that your mind went there.

You seem to mistake tomboys for all out ftm freaks.
Tomobys dont have to look androgenous or have short hair but they need to have a cool personality akin to someone who likes some male interests like sports,metal,videogames etc.

modern day "femininity" involves sitting on their ass all day, watching netflix and consooming shit they don't need.
reject modernity, embrace tomboys

>I dropped the ball and never texted her and she ended up going to college and becoming a huge fucking SJW tho.
I'll take her off your bitch ass hands.

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Why is Tien so based?

This, tomboys are usually just women who enjoy sports, have above average facial structure, can actually hold a conversation with lads, etc. Tomboy is genuinely the only god tier partner choice.